The average woman working full-time could lose up to $1,200 in earnings per child, according to a new report by Third Way. Learn more here: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/upshot/a-child-helps-your-career-if-youre-a-man.html?abt=0002&abg=1&_r=0
The average woman working full-time could lose up to $1,200 in earnings per child, according to a new report by Third Way. Learn more here: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/upshot/a-child-helps-your-career-if-youre-a-man.html?abt=0002&abg=1&_r=0
This San Francisco restaurant owner instituted stable, predictable schedules for her employees – and it’s paid off. “In an industry with high turnover, she hasn’t had to hire a kitchen worker in more than three years – four have been there for well over a decade – and more than… Read More»
A new report from the Economic Policy Institute debunks “trickle down” economics.
Set schedules are almost unheard of in the restaurant industry — but this restaurant in San Francisco has proven they’re good for business. “Piallat, the restaurant owner, said she believes her worker-friendly policies have helped her bottom line… She initially instituted policies such as set schedules and benefits ‘because I… Read More»