Learn more about Burger King’s tax dodging schemes from Americans for Tax Fairness.
Learn more about Burger King’s tax dodging schemes from Americans for Tax Fairness.
UPDATE: On December 5, 2014, the Retail Workers Bill of Rights officially became law in San Francisco, 10 days after the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the ordinances for the second time. This legislation will go into effect on January 5, 2015. San Francisco will likely soon adopt a landmark… Read More»
Today, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Retail Workers Bill of Rights, a potentially precedent-setting package of legislation to address abusive scheduling practices at corporate retailers. The legislation is expected to pass a second vote by the board and be signed into law by the mayor in the… Read More»
An unreleased analysis by the Department of Education, recently revealed by Center for Investigative Reporting, shows as many as 133 for-profit colleges rely almost completely on taxpayers for revenue. “They range from small proprietary trade schools like Trendsetters of Florida School of Beauty & Barbering in Jacksonville to for-profit giants… Read More»
Women who earn the federal tipped minimum wage of only $2.13/hour are twice as likely to face sexual harassment at work as women in states requiring the full minimum wage, according to a new report by Restaurant Opportunities Centers United. “We need to eliminate the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers… Read More»
Yesterday, a new bill intended to curb abusive scheduling practices at chain stores, fast food restaurants and banks was introduced to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The Predictable Scheduling and Fair Treatment Ordinance, introduced by Supervisor David Chiu, would require employers at certain chain businesses to post work schedules… Read More»