Author: Lisa Adler

Most of us aren’t planning for long-term care right now. It’s daunting to think so far ahead, even for the savviest of consumers, especially when most of us are struggling to save for retirement and when you consider the overwhelming costs. When we do open up and talk about what… Read More»

Home-care workers – the fastest growing, lowest paid workforce in our country – are central to the future of our economy, and we can no longer afford to ignore their needs. These workers are on the front lines of caring for our country’s rapidly aging population, yet they’re often paid… Read More»

Image Credit: SEIU Healthcare MN

UPDATE (1/23/2015): Yesterday, the Department of Labor filed an appeal to the lawsuit brought by home care companies challenging the Home Care Final Rule and stated:  “We believe the Rule is legally sound and is the right policy—both for those employees, whose demanding work merits these fundamental wage guarantees, and for… Read More»

Ted Rippy, an 80-year-old home-care worker, is also a board member at Food AND Medicine, Jobs With Justice, in Maine.

Millions of people are currently impacted by the fractured and broken long-term care system in this country. They are seniors and people with disabilities who need support to remain independently at home but struggle to afford the care they need.  They are sandwich generation women – primary caregivers for their… Read More»

Colorado Caring Across Generations – co-anchored by Colorado Jobs With Justice, 9to5 Colorado and El Centro Humanitario – has released a report documenting the growing and urgent need for affordable, quality in-home health care in the state. The report cites the explosive growth of seniors in Colorado – between 2010… Read More»

They did it!  Massachusetts domestic workers and their allies, including Massachusetts Jobs With Justice, recently passed a statewide domestic workers Bill of Rights. Massachusetts marks the fourth state to pass a domestic workers Bill of Rights in four years, following New York, California and Hawaii. The trend reflects a growing… Read More»

Sarita Gupta speaks at a briefing about the need for resources for states to find innovative solutions to the long-term care crisis.

The number of Americans needing long-term care in the United States is expected to more than double from 12 million today to 27 million by 2050. Someone turns 65 every eight seconds, and more than 70 percent of seniors will need care at some point in their lives for an… Read More»

2013 has been an exciting year for Caring Across Generations – a national campaign Jobs With Justice co-anchors with the National Domestic Workers Alliance. Here are a few highlights from the past year: Mother’s Day at the Capitol Jump-starts Momentum for Senate and House Resolutions On May 6 and 7, … Read More»

Today, California Governor Jerry Brown was joined by a group of domestic workers as he signed the California Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in his office. 

Today, California Governor Jerry Brown was joined by a group of domestic workers as he signed the California Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in his office.  It’s worth celebrating all of the workers and supporters who made this incredible victory possible. The bill is the result of a seven-year organizing… Read More»

Today, the Department of Labor announced new regulations to extend basic labor protections to millions of in-home care workers, entitling care workers to minimum wage and overtime protections and ending 75 years of unfair exclusion from the Fair Labor Standards Act. This is an important step toward stabilizing one of… Read More»