Category: Uncategorized

This past week the March for Racial Justice and the March for Black Women mobilized local communities to Washington, D.C. on September 30. Attendees joined together to call out white supremacy, speak against police brutality against Blacks, and bridge the gap of the collective Black experience. Organizers timed the march… Read More»

On September 26, we join together in celebration of National Voter Registration Day. The holiday provides an opportunity for all to register to vote, and to stress the importance voting plays in a free and open society. National Voter Registration Day also is a sobering reminder of the roadblocks used… Read More»

In the weeks since Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump Administration would end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, many corporate executives, especially in the technology sector, have issued statements in defense of the nearly 800,000 young people who have been able to work or go to… Read More»

Arnessa Johnson collects the signature of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson to place the Raise Up Missouri minimum wage initiative on the ballot this fall. 

By Richard von Glahn, Missouri Jobs With Justice This week, St. Louis, Missouri made national headlines for all the wrong reasons. Starting Monday, August 28, paychecks for working people across the city plummeted because Republican legislators voted to nullify the St. Louis minimum wage ordinance. This galling move of politicians… Read More»

(Fast food workers on strike for higher minimum wage and better benefits / Fibonacci Blue)

Although the restaurant industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the U.S. economy, individuals who earn “tipped wages” remain particularly disenfranchised. The National Restaurant Association touts the false notion that “tip-earning employees can be among a restaurant’s highest earners.” In fact, industry wages are extremely low. People working… Read More»

This weekend’s events call upon us all to speak out boldly against white supremacy, neo-Nazism, and white nationalism in all forms. Racism, anti-Semitism, hatred, and fear should have no home in America. We grieve for the lives lost and pray for those critically injured because of the domestic terrorism committed… Read More»

It’s devastating news that working people at Nissan’s Canton, Mississippi plant lost their fight to come together in union with United Automobile Workers (UAW). The automaker’s extreme actions robbed its employees of a free and fair vote, and it’s not possible to accept the results at face value. Last month, Nissan’s… Read More»

In early June, President Trump strolled up to a podium and announced his intention to expand the Labor Department’s apprenticeship program. Trump pontificated about the important role apprenticeships play in matching working people with job training opportunities. Giving credit where credit is due, Trump was right. However, Trump’s words do… Read More»

Meeting with autoworkers at the Nissan plant in Canton, MS, where the company is aggressively campaigning against unionization (Maina Kiai)

Multiculturalism is in high demand. The buying power of minorities continues to grow at an exponential rate. Corporations frequently boast of their workplace diversity and inclusion efforts. While companies jockey to attract people of color as employees and customers, they consistently fall short in implementing these practices in all areas… Read More»

Nissan employees in Canton, Mississippi will decide whether to join in union with the United Auto Workers in a historic vote.