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Minimum wage

Today, Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), and Reps. Bobby Scott (D. Va.), and Keith Ellison (D. Minn.), along with their colleagues, introduced legislation to boost the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. The “Raise the Wage Act” would gradually increase the minimum wage from current floor of… Read More»

UPDATES: Portland Jobs With Justice coordinated with local groups to organize an action demanding that Portland-based engineering firm Louis Berger not bid on Trump’s border wall. Not long after, Louis Berger announced they would not take part in Trump’s border wall project. Bay Resistance called on Abbigail Brown, Founder of… Read More»

Economic anxiety led to the rise of populist movements across Europe and the United States. Nativist impulses and migrant scapegoating galvanized them. But to tackle core problems – unemployment and stagnant wages – multiracial, populist, progressive change is necessary. Often, white people working in the United States vent their economic… Read More»

When Donald Trump was elected president, some pundits rushed to assure us that the American constitutional system would prevent Trump from enacting the most extreme parts of his corporate agenda. The events of the last few weeks show that working people cannot sit back and trust that our elected leaders… Read More»

Monday marked the largest U.S. May Day protests in recent history. In hundreds of communities around the country, immigrants, students, parents, faith leaders, union members, and Jobs With Justice network activists, united to stand up for a bold vision of an economy that works for everyone. On May 1, 1886, more… Read More»

President Trump’s campaign vow to create millions of new jobs propelled him to the White House. Let’s take a look at how he’s meeting those promises since taking office. Trump frequently boasts about U.S. employment numbers and often overstates his role in creating new jobs. Even the official White House… Read More»

Ever since FDR passed 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation during his first 100 days in office, presidents have been measured by their effectiveness within the same time frame. President Trump thought the benchmark so important that he signed a “contract” saying what he would accomplish during those hundred… Read More»

On June 18, 2016, Regina Elsea went to work at the AJIN USA auto parts manufacturing plant in Chambers County, Alabama. Two weeks away from getting married, she took the job in part, to help pay for her wedding. Regina’s job included overseeing the robots used to build parts supplied… Read More»

As the Trump administration aggressively ramps up deportations, community advocates are coming together to protect their immigrant co-workers, friends, and neighbors. More worksite raids are expected as part of Trump’s overreaching immigration enforcement efforts. Union organizers, labor and human rights advocates, and grassroots activists need to be equipped with best… Read More»

UPDATE (7/13/17): Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies approved funding for the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), at levels that enable the three organizations to… Read More»