Category: Uncategorized

On Saturday, March 4, more than 5,000 auto assemblers, handlers, and servicers marched with their families and supporters in Canton, MS to demand Nissan respect their desire to come together in union. Nissan refuses to allow the people who work for them to have a seat at the table to… Read More»

Clock photo by Tom Magliery/Flickr; Bills photo by 401(K) 2012/Flickr

Updated March 2016 Existing labor and employment laws dictate fundamental baseline employment standards, but often fail to ensure that working people can secure a decent standard of living. Today, less than 13 percent of the U.S. workforce has the power to improve their wages and working conditions through collective bargaining.… Read More»

Photo by Brad Perkins/Flickr/Wikimedia

What is collective bargaining? Collective bargaining is the formal process of negotiation between an employer and a group of employees—often with their union representative—that sets the terms and conditions of work. Collective bargaining results in a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), a legally binding agreement that lays out policies agreed to… Read More»

By Ada Fuentes-Zullo & Sam Nelson   For years, corporate accountability advocates demanded governments provide more transparency around the sweetheart economic development deals lavished upon profitable companies at the expense of taxpayers. However, much of that may be about to change. Those looking to shine a light on the impact… Read More»

Since President Trump announced Andrew Puzder as his pick for Labor Secretary in December, people stood up and firmly declared their opposition to the fast-food CEO. His record on hurting working people, demeaning women, and lining his own pockets was in direct contradiction to what we need from the Department… Read More»

On Dec. 8, Jobs With Justice Education Fund and the Tradeswomen Committee of North America’s Building Trades Unions kicked off our joint research report, “Building Career Opportunities for Women and People of Color: Breakthroughs in Construction,” with a series of panel discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor.

“How do we get women and people of color in the construction industry?” Tradespeople, community activists, government staff, union leaders and contractors shared their best answers to that question at a forum hosted by the Women’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Labor this past December. The group represented some… Read More»

Photo via Flickr user Scott Lewis

Stacy Mitchell is co-director at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR), and Olivia LaVecchia is a research associate with its Community-Scaled Economy initiative. Together they co-authored ILSR’s report: “Amazon’s Stranglehold: How Amazon’s Tightening Grip on the Economy Is Stifling Competition, Eroding Jobs, and Threatening Communities.” This week, ILSR and Jobs… Read More»

Photo via Flickr user Ted Eytan

While the Senate continues to advance Betsy DeVos’ nomination to head the Department of Education, concerned parents, students, educators, community members, and a growing number of senators staunchly oppose her confirmation. DeVos may be President Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education, but she is nothing more than another out-of-touch… Read More»

The January jobs report released by the Department of Labor today gives further evidence of why CKE Restaurants CEO Andrew Puzder is the wrong choice to lead that agency. The report found that while a healthy number of jobs were created, wage growth was very disappointing, with a miniscule 0.1%… Read More»