Category: Uncategorized

As Labor Secretary nominee Andrew Puzder prepares for his confirmation hearing, it’s a given that he’ll have to answer questions about his views on minimum wage. To curry support from senators of both parties, he may state that he backs increasing the minimum wage. But no matter what Puzder says,… Read More»

In response to President Trump’s final and planned executive orders to build a border wall, strip federal funding from sanctuary cities, and bar predominantly Muslim refugees from entering the country, Jobs With Justice Executive Director Sarita Gupta issued the following statement: “These executive orders are yet another attempt to divide… Read More»

Apprenticeship programs run jointly by unions of working people and construction firms offer aspiring tradespeople the ability to earn family-sustaining wages and benefits and a hands-on, debt-free education. The unionized construction sector presents tremendous opportunities in raising the wealth within communities of color and women-led households. Despite greater efforts by advocates… Read More»

Image source: The Nation

Eager to work, but unable to secure consistent work is the conundrum facing too many people today. Across the country, people are ready, willing and able to work full time so they can put food on the table, and live a good life. Unfortunately, many of them work for employers… Read More»

Individuals and labor advocates around the world united today to demand an end to unjust retaliation against working people. The repression of and retaliation against labor rights supporters is a global problem. In December of last year, Chinese authorities arrested 25 labor rights organizers and activists in the industrial province… Read More»

Amidst a general election that is sure to be discussed, analyzed and hypothesized about for weeks, if not months to come, one aspect you could easily overlook is some resoundingly good news. Voters made their voices heard on policies that directly benefit working people’s ability to provide for their families.… Read More»

After this week’s election, Jobs With Justice is more invested than ever in expanding the ability of working people to negotiate for better workplaces, a more inclusive economy and thriving communities. Our oxygen is hope and resilience. We exhale fear. We will continue what we always do: organize, movement-build, and… Read More»

Credit: TESA

If you want to inspire people to act, shift the way someone thinks about an issue, or engage your community in bold campaigns, you need powerful, creative tools. Now there’s a new board game to do just that: Rise Up: The Game of People & Power. At the TESA Collective… Read More»

Faith and community leaders rally in support of the #Buffalo25.

Last week, federal agents raided four popular Mexican restaurants in Buffalo, NY. In this latest example of how our country’s immigration enforcement strategies run counter to the enforcement of our nation’s labor and employment laws, 25 employees were arrested and at least seven of them are now facing deportation, all… Read More»