Category: Uncategorized

Since the façade of economic stability fell in the United States during the 2008 financial crisis, millions of people have taken to the streets. Fed up with government bailouts of those who had caused the crisis, fed up with corporate practices which depleted American cities of well-paying jobs, and fed… Read More»

Photo via Retail Action Project

Last month, the United Food and Commercial Workers union announced that more than 1,000 employees at Zara’s New York City locations voted to join together in union. This news marks the biggest retail organizing victory since 1,200 sales associates at H&M came together to improve their working conditions in 2009.… Read More»

Jobs With Justice hosted a #BlackWorkMatters Twitter Town Hall to spark conversations on the role of race and racism in the workplace and the broader economy throughout the week of Labor Day. We brought together organizers, advocates and thought leaders from across the racial justice, economic justice and labor movements to… Read More»

Originally posted on: On Friday, August 19, workers who were fired from Tito Contractors for launching an organizing campaign in 2013 rallied at the company’s Washington, DC headquarters demanding that management deliver back wages and return to the bargaining table to negotiate the collective bargaining agreement that their workers… Read More»

UPDATE (8/10/16): The Budget and Finance Committee of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors tabled the Fair Share Homeless and Housing Impact Technology Tax on August 1. A number of community groups, including Jobs With Justice San Francisco, plan to gather signatures from the public and place the initiative on the ballot at the… Read More»

We are mourning and facing anxiety about the many forms of murder and violence we see over and over in our communities. Jobs With Justice does not support violence in any form. We are grieving with the families of the men and women murdered this month. The killing of Alton… Read More»

Original photo via Flickr user zooboing

A recent study has proven what millions of working people have known for years: Work is stressful, and many employers only make things worse. A new poll from NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that among working adults who have felt… Read More»

Photo via The All-Nite Images

Tamara Draut, the Vice President of Policy and Research at Demos, published her latest book, “Sleeping Giant: How America’s New Working Class Will Transform America,” this spring. Draut delves into not just the struggles facing working families, but the incredible power and potential of our new working class to change our… Read More»

Pictured L-R: Jack Metzgar, Roosevelt University; Roberta Lynch, AFSCME Counil 31; Kenneth Franklin, ATU Local 308; Karen Lewis, CTU. Credit: Alfredo Peralta, Jr (APJ Photography)

This story was written by Jeff Schuhrke and first appeared at In These Times. When 100,000 protesters occupied the Wisconsin State Capitol in early 2011 in an attempt to thwart Governor Scott Walker’s bill revoking the rights of public sector employees, a group of labor researchers and scholars were motivated to… Read More»