Category: Uncategorized

This week marked a historic occasion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as working people, organizers, lawmakers, employers, and yes, the President of the United States himself came together for an historic White House Summit on Worker Voice. The all-day convening highlighted the incredible obstacles working people face when coming together to improve… Read More»

Photo courtesy of We Belong Together

This week, leaders from Jobs With Justice will join 100 immigrant women as they walk 100 miles from Pennsylvania’s York County Detention Center, a site of human suffering, to Washington, D.C., where they will ask Pope Francis to carry his message of human dignity for migrants to the politicians he… Read More»

Bath & Body Works recently announced it would stop utilizing on-call scheduling, becoming the latest in a string of retail establishments, including Gap, Victoria’s Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch, to abandon the practice. On-call schedules are popular in the retail and service sectors, forcing employees to schedule their lives around… Read More»

The Inadequate Penalties for Labor Law Violations

On September 16, Senator Patty Murray and Congressman Bobby Scott introduced the Workplace Action for a Growing Economy (WAGE) Act – legislation that would ensure that working people can join together without fear of reprisal to win improvements on the job, including higher wages, benefits and better working conditions. This… Read More»

They say the economy is recovering, but everyday Americans have seen the value of their paychecks fall since the end of the recession.

via Jim Ellwanger

College athletes have long been denied a real voice in a multi-billion dollar industry built upon their performance. That’s why it was a potential game-changer when Northwestern University scholarship football players came together to demand a union in 2014. The school’s administration argued that the players were students that had… Read More»

Learn more about the need to raise wages for hardworking people across the country.

via Michael Fleshman

This post is third in a series about the Jobs With Justice network and the broader labor movement fight for racial justice. You can find the first two posts here and here. The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012 sparked a conversation about racial justice nationwide.  Central Florida Jobs With Justice’s… Read More»

Today, Amalgamated Bank announced that it will raise wages for all of its employees to $15 an hour, and in doing so, challenged the rest of the banking industry to follow in its footsteps to ensure more Americans have jobs they can sustain a family on. Just weeks after the… Read More»