Category: Uncategorized

via Mark Danielson

It’s no secret that teachers, firefighters and other civil servants are under attack from extremist politicians and the billionaires bankrolling them. And as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker moves to run for president in 2016, more hardworking women and men are reckoning with the possibility of a national anti-worker agenda. Walker’s… Read More»

Plenary speakers (L-R) Veronica Mendez, Jack Mahoney, Christina Montorio, Dr. David Weil and moderator Sarita Gupta.

More than 250 scholars and practitioners gathered for the fifth annual national Labor Research and Action Network conference, a project coordinated by the Jobs With Justice Education Fund, last week. The two-day event, hosted by the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor at Georgetown University, brings together academics,… Read More»

Jobs With Justice Education Fund Executive Director Sarita Gupta with the honorees

More than 400 labor leaders, advocates and allies gathered for Jobs With Justice Education Fund’s 11th annual Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Awards Celebration last night. Each year, the event honors outstanding leaders who have upheld Eleanor Roosevelt’s belief that workers’ rights are human rights. Following a reception where supporters of… Read More»

Via ILO in Asia and the Pacific

Walmart is not only the world’s largest retailer and private employer; it’s also the overseer of one of the largest supply chains in the world. Walmart exerts enormous pressure on its suppliers and even has million-plus square foot warehouses just for its own products. Even though Walmart exerts an enormous… Read More»

The first-ever study on service sector scheduling practices in Washington, D.C. was released yesterday, with researchers concluding that erratic and unpredictable work hours negatively impact employees and their families. The report was released during a briefing in D.C.’s Wilson Building, with community groups packing the room to hear the results… Read More»

via People's World

Following two weeks of protests in cities across the country, leaders of the group OUR Walmart descended on Arkansas last Friday for the company’s annual shareholder meeting. In addition to reiterating their call for $15 an hour and access to full-time hours for all associates, worker shareholders proposed a handful… Read More»

On June 24, Jobs With Justice will hold its 11th annual Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Awards Celebration at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Each year, the event honors individuals and groups who embody Eleanor Roosevelt’s commitment to upholding workers’ rights as human rights. This year we are… Read More»

via The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Paying off your student debt can be hard, and not just because of how much it costs. I’ve heard many stories about how student loan servicers (the company that sends you bills each month) can make the process of paying off your loans even more difficult. I hear from people… Read More»

Photo via flickr user meddygarnet

Update (10/30/2015): This week, the Obama administration finalized rules that ban fees on debit cards given to students as part of their federal financial aid. These new standards, which go into effect next July, will eliminate charges for overdrafts and other fees, and require card companies to make sure that students… Read More»