Category: Uncategorized

Image Credit: SEIU Healthcare MN

UPDATE (1/23/2015): Yesterday, the Department of Labor filed an appeal to the lawsuit brought by home care companies challenging the Home Care Final Rule and stated:  “We believe the Rule is legally sound and is the right policy—both for those employees, whose demanding work merits these fundamental wage guarantees, and for… Read More»

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Tonight, during his State of the State address in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo will highlight his “Get on Your Feet Loan Forgiveness” proposal, a program that would mandate that the state of New York cover certain borrowers’ student loan payments the first two years out of college. Any New… Read More»

Photo credit Angus Johnston

The words “free” and “college” haven’t been uttered in the same sentence by a president in decades, until President Obama made a huge announcement last week: he’ll use his State of the Union address to share a plan for making community college free. The concept isn’t new. Across the country,… Read More»

Photo via Flickr

Did you know that in two states not paying your student loans could mean your driver’s license can be revoked? That’s the harsh reality for those who have had to borrow to pay for college in both Montana and Iowa, where there are laws that allow the state to take… Read More»

Image via Wikimedia.

Today, the National Labor Relations Board’s chief prosecutor, General Counsel Richard Griffin, jointly charged McDonald’s and several of its franchisees with multiple violations of federal labor law. According to the NLRB’s press release, the agency will pursue 13 complaints involving 78 charges of alleged wrongdoing, while 71 cases remain under… Read More»

Years of organizing, mobilizing and courageous actions by immigrants and their allies have finally given way to relief for millions of our friends and neighbors through the president’s historic executive action on immigration. While the relief is limited and temporary, it should be recognized as important progress toward fixing our… Read More»

Original photo via Fotopedia

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) made a splash earlier this month by taking action against two student “debt relief” scam companies, banning one from the industry and suing another. While this isn’t the first time this year that these companies have come under fire for their predatory business practices,… Read More»

Learn more about Burger King’s tax dodging schemes from Americans for Tax Fairness.

Learn more about Burger King’s tax dodging schemes from Americans for Tax Fairness.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons/Geraldshields11

On December 12, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced its adoption of a final rule to modernize and streamline the process for resolving union representation disputes. The long overdue rule, taking effect on April 14, 2015, will reduce a number of obstacles working people face when trying to form… Read More»