Category: Uncategorized

To shed new light on how extensively U.S. guestworker programs are used, Jobs With Justice Education Fund along with the Economic Policy Institute, launched the first iteration of today. This resource offers new state-by-state analysis of how employers use nonimmigrant employment visa programs – commonly referred to as “guestworker”… Read More»

Reyna Sorto is one of the many Tito's employees fired after sticking her neck out to improve her job. The NLRB ordered Tito to reinstate Reyna, and she is entitled to backpay for being illegally fired.

UPDATE: In late November, 50 Washington, DC-based immigrant workers employed by Tito Contractors successfully voted for union representation with IUPAT District Council 51. This came on the heels of the an NLRB administrative law judge agreeing that workers were owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in back wages in response to… Read More»

While median pay for most retail salespeople is only $21,410, The Container Store chooses to pay its sales clerks an average of $48,000 a year. As a result, the company’s turnover rate is only 10 percent, compared to the industry average of 100 percent.

Respect DC held a rally with Walmart workers outside one store in the District earlier this year.

Less than one year after its opening, small business owners within the immediate vicinity of a new Walmart Supercenter in the nation’s capital say their establishments are already in danger of closing, according to a new report released by Respect DC and Ward 4 Thrives. The report cites several local… Read More»

Original image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout via Flickr.

A new report released today by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reveals data that both federal and private student loan servicers are using illegal tactics to maximize their profits at the expense of borrowers. These illegal practices include charging unfair late fees and making harassing debt collection calls –… Read More»

Ted Rippy, an 80-year-old home-care worker, is also a board member at Food AND Medicine, Jobs With Justice, in Maine.

Millions of people are currently impacted by the fractured and broken long-term care system in this country. They are seniors and people with disabilities who need support to remain independently at home but struggle to afford the care they need.  They are sandwich generation women – primary caregivers for their… Read More»

Dominic Ware, an OUR Walmart member fired after participating in strikes last year, holds a Jobs With Justice sign at last week's rally. Photo by Peter Menchini.

by Kung Feng, Jobs With Justice San Francisco | This post originally appeared on Last week, one hundred San Francisco workers and labor activists marched through the Union Square shopping district calling for a $15 minimum wage and fair schedules. Recently, dramatic strikes by fast food and Walmart workers… Read More»

An unreleased analysis by the Department of Education, recently revealed by Center for Investigative Reporting, shows as many as 133 for-profit colleges rely almost completely on taxpayers for revenue. “They range from small proprietary trade schools like Trendsetters of Florida School of Beauty & Barbering in Jacksonville to for-profit giants… Read More»