Category: Uncategorized

A new report from the Economic Policy Institute debunks “trickle down” economics.

Watch John Oliver break down the student loan crisis:

Set schedules are almost unheard of in the restaurant industry — but this restaurant in San Francisco has proven they’re good for business. “Piallat, the restaurant owner, said she believes her worker-friendly policies have helped her bottom line… She initially instituted policies such as set schedules and benefits ‘because I… Read More»

After years of pressure on policymakers to fix the broken immigration system, families and communities finally have hope for some needed relief. President Obama has promised to use his executive authority to grant immigrants relief and to reform harmful enforcement procedures. However, the question remains whether it will go far… Read More»

Colorado Caring Across Generations – co-anchored by Colorado Jobs With Justice, 9to5 Colorado and El Centro Humanitario – has released a report documenting the growing and urgent need for affordable, quality in-home health care in the state. The report cites the explosive growth of seniors in Colorado – between 2010… Read More»

The civil rights movement argued that all workers should be able to organize as a civil right, demanding access to jobs and fair employment practices. Photo via

Last week, Representatives Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and John Lewis (D-Ga.) introduced a bill that would strengthen protections for workers who are retaliated against for supporting a union. The Employee Empowerment Act would give leverage to workers trying to exercise their right to organize without fear of intimidation by their employer.… Read More»

President Obama issued an executive order that holds federal contractors accountable for violating their workers’ rights by making it harder for repeat lawbreakers to win future contracts. Read Sarita Gupta’s statement and learn more here.  

When you work AT McDonald’s, you work FOR McDonald’s. In a significant ruling, the NLRB’s general counsel classified McDonald’s as a “joint employer,” which means the company may finally be held responsible for how workers are treated at its restaurants. Learn more!

Despite its high minimum wage, San Francisco has the second-highest rate of income inequality among major U.S. cities. One of the reasons why people aren’t earning enough money to make ends meet in the Bay Area, and across the country, is because they can’t get sufficient hours at their jobs.… Read More»