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Source: Economic Policy Institute

Evan Soltas would like you to know he read a book about unions. In his recent Bloomberg View column, Soltas ponders the thesis of Richard Freeman and James Medoff’s seminal book What Do Unions Do? and concludes that unions don’t do much in today’s economy. As Soltas notes, Freeman and… Read More»

Have you ever suspected your school is receiving kickbacks from banks in exchange for promoting their products and services on campus? Turns out, they probably are. Last week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report expressing concerns over such partnerships between banks and universities, and they’re not alone. In… Read More»

Photo courtesy of National Guestworker Alliance

Last year, we publicized the brave protests and strikes the National Guestworker Alliance (NGA) and student guestworkers organized to blow the whistle on retaliation and labor abuse suffered at the hands of McDonald’s restaurants in Pennsylvania. The students, who paid $3,000 to $4,000 for their ‘cultural-exchange’ visas, were shocked to… Read More»

“Two-thirds of Americans think that top corporate executives and CEOs are paid too much, and few Americans think they will ever enter the ranks of the highest paid, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll.” Learn more about the 100 highest-paid CEOs.

Photo from Flickr user roger4336

Last week’s union election at Volkswagen’s Chattanooga, Tennessee, assembly plant – where workers fell 86 votes short of gaining union representation through the UAW – leaves a foul taste in my mouth. My reaction isn’t a matter of sour grapes, as I deeply respect the right of workers to decide if… Read More»

As corporate profits continue to soar, workers’ wages continue to stagnate, creating the widest income inequality gap our country has seen in modern times. So it comes as no surprise that 80 percent of Americans support proposals to raise the minimum wage to $10.10. It should also come as no… Read More»

Photo modified under attribution license from original photo found on Flickr: Attribution License:

Today, thousands are standing up against government spying as part of #TheDayWeFightBack. But the NSA aren’t the only ones collecting massive amounts of data on Americans. Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, maintains data on 145 million Americans according to a report by Center for Media Justice, Color of Change, and… Read More»

"In an effort to highlight the population of Los Angeles workers who earn a ‘poverty’ salary, and to urge Angelenos to support living wage measures, the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor has paid for a month-long campaign of seven billboards that mimic the sign that reminds drivers of a city’s population when leaving or entering its limits. But the figure on these boards is the number of people living on or below the poverty line." Read more about this campaign.
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Following a series of articles from Walmart employees describing what it’s like to work for the world’s largest private employer, Gawker has just published an anonymous email from a much different perspective: a longtime store manager. The current assistant store manager was compelled to share his own experience after reading… Read More»

Photo by Adam Fagen/Flickr

The student debt crisis won’t be substantively addressed until the government takes on real responsibility to regulate student loan profiteers. While the U.S. Department of Education continues to avoid taking predatory student loan servicers like Sallie Mae to task, news reports this week indicate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)… Read More»