Category: Uncategorized

It’s no secret that the world’s most profitable employers often pay some of the lowest wages. Companies like Walmart and McDonald’s make billions each year, yet their employees rely on taxpayer-funded government assistance just to make ends meet. Now, men and women employed at these companies have taken bold risks… Read More»

Increased class sizes. School closings. Staff layoffs. Cuts in extracurricular activities. The collateral damage from the ongoing attacks and defunding of public education is mounting, and the need to champion great public schools is stronger than ever. Today, Jobs With Justice coalitions across the country will join with parents, students,… Read More»

The POWER CampaignThe POWER Campaign seeks to eliminate the threat of ICE in worker organizing efforts. It also aims to expand protections for worker leaders who stand up to unscrupulous employers. Learn more through our new fact sheet: About the POWER Campaign

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A successful large retailer that respects its employees? Who knew?

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McDonald's pays such low wages that taxpayers end up footing the bill. Get the facts:

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A new report shows the real cost of Walmart's low wages: a single 300-employee Wal-Mart Supercenter in Wisconsin may cost taxpayers anywhere from $904,542 to nearly $1.75 million per year, or about $5,815 per employee. While taxpayers foot the bill for subsidized housing assistance, the food-stamp program, child-care subsidies, energy assistance, and reduced school meals for Walmart's low-paid workers, Walmart profits. Learn more here:

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On strike for poverty wages
Photo from Low Pay Is Not Okay

On Thursday, in 100 different cities around the country, fast-food workers across the country are walking off the job to speak out against unsustainable, poverty-level wages paid to workers in the restaurant industry. These men and women work for our nation’s most profitable food chains and still aren’t able to… Read More»

It is far too easy for bad employers to exploit immigrant workers and use their immigration status as a weapon to prevent them from speaking out about the abuse. When employers call immigration to retaliate against workers, they have our broken immigration system on their side, and can simply deport… Read More»