Category: Uncategorized

New polling from Hart Research released today indicates strong support for D.C.’s big-box living wage bill. The Large Retailer Accountability Act (LRAA), championed by DC Jobs with Justice and Respect DC, would guarantee living wages from retailers with over $1 billion annual profits and stores over 75,000 square feet. The… Read More»

Yesterday, as expected, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray vetoed the Large Retailer Accountability Act. But the fight to prevent poverty wages in the District is far from over. On Tuesday, the City Council will vote to override the mayor’s veto. All we need is one vote from Tommy Wells to guarantee… Read More»

Jobs with Justice leader Deb Kline was arrested today in front of the U.S. Capitol in an act of civil disobedience demanding Congress take action to pass immigration reform that will treat women and children fairly. Approximately 100 women – including undocumented immigrants and Deb Kline from Cleveland Jobs with… Read More»

Grandparent's Day
Latino Union, Arise Chicago, and Chicago Jobs with Justice teamed up with the Chicago Temple to honor caregivers who themselves are grandparents

September 8 was National Grandparents Day. You may not have even realized it – since unlike Mother’s Day, this is still a little-known holiday. But Caring Across Generations and our partners across the country are working to change this! We think this holiday is an important one to elevate and celebrate as an… Read More»

Last week, Walmart workers supported by Jobs with Justice and many others engaged in civil disobedience near Walmart stores in protest of the company’s unjust retaliation practices. More than 80 workers have been terminated after they went on strike against unfair labor practices at the company in June. Workers had gone… Read More»

Sallie Mae has quit the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) after months of growing pressure from Jobs with Justice/American Rights at Work, the U.S. Student Association, and the Student Labor Action Project. Sallie Mae is now the 50th corporation to leave the extremist, right-wing group that advances state legislation essentially… Read More»

Today, the historic Walmart strikers are planning their biggest mobilization since last year’s Black Friday actions. Current and former Walmart employees will be joined by Jobs with Justice activists and supporters for a series of actions in 15 major cities across the country. Several members of OUR Walmart, the association… Read More»

D.C. residents, community activists, and labor advocates delivered 30,000 signatures on a petition to urge Mayor Gray to pass the Large Retailer Accountability Act Image courtesy @WorkingAmerica

Right now, Washington, D.C., residents are waging a mighty struggle to guarantee living wages from the most profitable retailers in their city. Last month, the D.C. Council passed the Large Retailer Accountability Act (LRAA), which would require large businesses in the district to pay a living wage to employees. The… Read More»

Fast food strikers in Atlanta were spontaneously joined by Representative John Lewis
Fast food strikers in Atlanta were spontaneously joined by Representative John Lewis

August 29, 2013 was truly a beautiful and historic day as fast food workers took the ‘march for freedom and jobs’ to fast food corporate employers in some 58 cities demanding respect and freedom from poverty wages. Specifically, the workers are demanding $15 per hour and the right to form… Read More»

Wall Street

Guest post by Jack Marco You are in a unique position to move the U.S. economy forward in ways you may not appreciate.  Economic growth has been anemic. Corporate profits have soared as a result of cost cutting and technology. But profit growth seems to be stalling, and many of… Read More»