Category: Uncategorized

How many times have you heard someone say, “If your job is so bad, get a new one!”? That’s not a real solution for tens of millions of workers. Not convinced? A quick glance at monthly unemployment numbers since the Great Recession speaks volumes. Jobs are hard to come by,… Read More»

SLAP members protest at the headquarters of Sallie Mae, corporate owners of a large percentage of student debt.
SLAP members protest at the headquarters of Sallie Mae, corporate owners of a large percentage of student debt.

Written by Daniela Bartlett Asenjo On July 1, college students and their parents all across the United States joined in a collective shudder as the news of subsidized Stafford loan interest rates doubling from 3.4% to 6.8% spread. While borrowers hoped that politicians in Washington would rise above the partisan… Read More»

Domestic Workers Rally

Earlier this week, over 100 domestic care workers rallied at the White House to urge the Obama Administration and the Department of Labor to end the delays in advancing new regulations that would provide home care workers with basic labor protections. It has been 75 years since the passage of… Read More»

Researchers found when one store opened in Chicago, it created at most 320 full-time new jobs and destroyed at least 300 others. Read more:

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Imagine a world where our weak labor laws are no longer enforced. Workers successfully organize, but their company refuses to recognize the union. Workers are fired illegally and have no recourse. This could be the world we live in soon if we don’t fight back. In coming days, the Senate… Read More»

Photo by Good Jobs Nation

More than 100 people walked off the job in the nation’s capital yesterday to bring attention to the need for the federal government to ensure its contractors provide overtime, minimum wages, and higher labor standards. The protests, organized by Good Jobs Nation and supported locally by DC Jobs with Justice, … Read More»

This week, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – landmark legislation that ushered in a new era of just labor protections and raised the floor for working people in this country.  There’s no cause for celebration for the significant  portion of our workforce who… Read More»

The time is now for immigration reform. LITERALLY. The U.S. Senate is poised to vote on the historic, bipartisan immigration reform measure this week. We need to ensure safe passage of this bill – and make immigration work for workers! Will you take three minutes to call your senators and… Read More»

After hundreds of workers returned to their stores after striking against unfair labor practices, and after thousands of community activists around the country organized actions at local stores, Walmart has predictably responded by retaliating.  Instead of engaging workers in a conversation about treatment, plummeting customer service ratings, weak store sales… Read More»

Our very own Chris Hicks, Jobs with Justice’s national student debt campaign organizer, was featured on Melissa Harris-Perry‘s show on MSNBC over the weekend to discuss the growing student debt crisis. Watch Part 1: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Part 2 — Scroll… Read More»