Category: Uncategorized

Today, over 100 women leaders from around the country are in Washington, D.C. for We Belong Together‘s women’s lobby day.  This marks the beginning of a week of action to mobilize thousands of people around the country to call on Congress to push for immigration reform that will be fair… Read More»

Massachussetts Jobs with Justice activists demonstrate outside of Walmart store in Lynn, MA

Walmart was unable to distance itself from criticism last week at its annual shareholder meeting. From the tragedies in its garment factories in Bangladesh to its own store associates marching on their door, the company was noticeably perturbed by the attention. Members of OUR Walmart held their longest strike yet… Read More»

SLAP members protest at the headquarters of Sallie Mae, corporate owners of a large percentage of student debt.
SLAP members protest at the headquarters of Sallie Mae, corporate owners of a large percentage of student debt.

Imagine this: Sallie Mae’s CEO, sitting at a table with 20 students discussing student debt forgiveness. Crazy, right? Sallie Mae has finally agreed to sit down with the Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) and US Student Association (USSA) to discuss how to make affordability for all students and graduates a… Read More»

Susan Hurley of Chicago Jobs with Justice addresses a crowd protesting closing of nearly 50 public schools.

On May 22, 2013, the unelected Chicago Public School Board (CPS), appointed by Mayor Emmanuel, decided to close nearly 50 public schools in Chicago, the largest public school mass closing in the history of the US. The implications for the largely African American and Latino working class families in Chicago… Read More»

On Tuesday, Walmart store workers across the country began the longest strike in the company’s history. Workers are now headed on a “Ride for Respect” caravan to Bentonville, Arkansas, to bring their concerns to the company’s annual shareholder meeting beginning June 1. In a press release, the striking workers called… Read More»

Hundreds of Walmart employees went on strike in Miami, Massachusetts, and the California Bay Area -- including Dominic Ware. We think his reasons for striking are incredibly important. Read more:

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Transit Rider Union-Orlando has finally unveiled their new website!  was not only designed to give direct access to the issues and news that impact the lives Lynx public transit riders on a daily basis, but to keep the public informed on the campaign to secure dedicated funding to improve… Read More»

A new white paper details Walmart’s extensive and systematic efforts to silence associates who speak out for better jobs. The paper features the stories of workers like Cindy Lee, a model employee and active OUR Walmart member who reports being fired for calling in sick after she was publicly involved… Read More»

Last week was an exhilarating week for Caring Across Generations! In the lead up to Mothers’ Day, we asked you and thousands of others to honor mothers everywhere by taking action to make quality care available to everyone.  And together, we did just that! On May 5, we launched our… Read More»

Fast food workers on strike
Via Missouri Jobs with Justice

Hundreds of workers walked out of their fast food jobs at over 30 locations this past week. Workers walked out for better pay, respect on the job, and the right to form a union. St. Louis Jobs with Justice Student Co-Chair Rasheen Aldridge works at Jimmy John’s and has been… Read More»