Category: Uncategorized

Read these ten critical facts about Sallie Mae that exemplify the need for increased regulation in the private student loan industry. Download: Top 10 Things You Don’t Know About Sallie Mae (PDF)

The federal agency charged with protecting employees’ rights to collectively improve their job standards is in limbo. That’s great news for unscrupulous employers who want to take advantage of workers, but it serves as a wake-up call for those of us who care about workers’ rights. In January 2013, the… Read More»

Last week, 99% Power launched the shareholder spring with a week of action targeting Wells Fargo, Walmart, Bank of America and Sallie Mae as key examples of how the corporate 1% devastate our communities, lives, and the planet.  The week of action demanded that these corporations renegotiate their debts to… Read More»

In honor of May Day, our network of coalitions and allies are raising their voices this week at events across the country to prioritize workers’ rights for all in immigration reform. Click here to view our fact sheet summarizing the importance of worker protections in immigration reform. Like many advocates… Read More»

A special report, examining the state of workplace health and safety in Tennessee, concludes that “overall job fatality rates in Tennessee are about 39% higher” than rates for the rest of the United States. In addition it finds that “injuries and illnesses rates are consistently higher in Tennessee than the… Read More»

It is far too easy for unscrupulous employers to manipulate current immigration laws to exploit immigrant workers. Labor protections must be included in immigration reform or nearly every worker — no matter where they were born — stands to lose. Get the facts on the importance of worker protections in… Read More»

Immigrant care workers support millions of our country’s seniors and people with disabilities.  Consumers uniquely understand that a roadmap to citizenship for the careworkers they rely on. To that end, the Caring Across Generations campaign organized a powerful army of consumers on Capitol Hill to advocate for the importance of… Read More»

Consumer voices supporting a road map to citizenship.

Last May, Georgia Labor Commissioner, Mark Butler, unilaterally decided to deny access to unemployment benefits to about 64,000 contracted bus drivers, custodians, crossing guards and cafeteria workers. Since then, Atlanta Jobs with Justice has lead the Justice for School Workers campaign demanding that Commissioner Butler reinstate their unemployment benefits. Throughout… Read More»

We know that now is the time to make sure that immigration reform works for workers, not just corporations. Immigration reform can raise standards for all workers if policymakers make sure that first-class citizenship is accessible for all, making worker organizing stronger now and in the future! We will be… Read More»