Category: Uncategorized

Immigrant care workers support millions of our country’s seniors and people with disabilities.  Consumers uniquely understand that a roadmap to citizenship for the careworkers they rely on. To that end, the Caring Across Generations campaign organized a powerful army of consumers on Capitol Hill to advocate for the importance of… Read More»

Consumer voices supporting a road map to citizenship.

Last May, Georgia Labor Commissioner, Mark Butler, unilaterally decided to deny access to unemployment benefits to about 64,000 contracted bus drivers, custodians, crossing guards and cafeteria workers. Since then, Atlanta Jobs with Justice has lead the Justice for School Workers campaign demanding that Commissioner Butler reinstate their unemployment benefits. Throughout… Read More»

We know that now is the time to make sure that immigration reform works for workers, not just corporations. Immigration reform can raise standards for all workers if policymakers make sure that first-class citizenship is accessible for all, making worker organizing stronger now and in the future! We will be… Read More»

On April 9 in Los Angeles, workers along the Walmart supply chain joined forces to launch the Walmart Supply Chain Organizing Committee. The public briefing announced worker-centered solutions for deteriorating conditions along Walmart’s supply chain. After all, they are the ones who have to deal with low standards on a… Read More»

Front row facing forward: Elce Redmond, Chicago Jobs with Justice Co-Chair and Jobs with Justice National Board member, risking arrest in support of Chicago teachers strike
Front row facing forward: Elce Redmond, Chicago Jobs with Justice Co-Chair and Jobs with Justice National Board member, risking arrest in support of Chicago teachers strike

Across the country, the corporate agenda, which holds as a chief objective transforming public education in the US into a privatized, for-profit enterprise, continues to make advances in its agenda. As a result, communities continue to face a preventable crisis where our public schools are labeled expendable by city officials… Read More»

[video:] Just one month ago, courageous workers at a Nicaraguan garment factory staged a peaceful protest to advocate for better working conditions — but the company they worked for, a Walmart supplier, paid a mob of 300 people to attack them with scissors, metal pipes and other weapons. These workers… Read More»

Last week Jobs with Justice leaders pounded the pavement on Capitol Hill trying to make sure immigration reform will work for workers, not just corporations.  Now, as Members of Congress are home for Easter recess, Jobs with Justice local coalitions are setting up appointments and hosting a town hall meeting… Read More»

Photo: OUR Walmart / Flickr
Photo: OUR Walmart / Flickr

Earlier this week, Walmart filed a lawsuit against OUR Walmart and Central Florida Jobs with Justice in Orlando.  The lawsuit aims to limit workers and community leaders from “trespassing” at Florida stores. This lawsuit looks to be another meritless attempt by Walmart to silence workers and their community supporters rather… Read More»

We have an urgent opportunity for you to help student workers and our friends at the National Guestworker Alliance push McDonald’s to take responsibility for exploiting its workers. Earlier this month, student guestworkers brought in on visas to work at McDonald’s in Pennsylvania went on strike to blow the whistle… Read More»