Category: Uncategorized

Last November, in the weeks leading up to historic actions by Walmart workers who were standing up for basic dignity and respect, the company issued an Unfair Labor Practice complaint in hopes of squashing the protests. This week, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) held Walmart’s charge in abeyance, choosing… Read More»

Cross-posted from the United Workers Congress The United Workers Congress is encouraged that the Senate’s announcement and President Obama’s statement on immigration this week mark the long-awaited beginning of the country’s immigration reform. Our members have fought for decades to protect the rights of low wage, undocumented workers who were… Read More»

Sitting on the sidelines isn’t an option when the push for immigration reform is shaping up to become one of the key political and economic debates in 2013. We–along with many workers’ rights and immigration reform advocates–are working to ensure that our nation’s leaders take a broad, inclusive, and humane… Read More»

In the coming days, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a series of proposals to reform its own rules in an effort to prevent gridlock and ensure that our elected leaders are held accountable to actually casting votes on critical issues.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is… Read More»

Congress narrowly avoided a crisis by passing last minute legislation on New Years to avoid the implementation of the so-called fiscal cliff. The agreement secured key goals: taxes were raised on the wealthy and Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security went untouched. Immediately after the election, Jobs with Justice/American Rights at… Read More»

Reposted from The POWER Campaign The U.S. Census Bureau once again confirmed that the middle class is shrinking and poverty is on the rise.  In today’s environment where it is not only viable, but economically rational for employers to exploit and retaliate against workers, it is easy to understand how we… Read More»

In an election year, it’s important to ask whether the people in elected office really understand what life is like for average Americans. Trends indicate that being wealthy is increasingly a requirement to run for office. In the era of Citizens United, with extremely costly campaigns, it’s no surprise that… Read More»

Contingent workers are those not employed in traditional, full-time jobs that are expected to last. This term also covers workers who are subcontracted, employed by temp agencies, or work as independent contractors. While widely accepted as a standard business practice to enable flexibility in hiring, employers are increasingly exploiting workers… Read More»

When child care providers have the right to form unions, it helps to stabilize conditions, improve job satisfaction, and raise wages to appropriate levels—all of which are vital to providing the best possible care for children. In-home child care providers face very low pay and poor access to benefits and… Read More»

 David B. Lipsky (Cornell University) J. Ryan Lamare (American Rights at Work and Cornell University)[1] Abhishek Gupta (Cornell University) The rise of employment arbitration in the United States has been accompanied by concerns about whether the procedure provides a fair and equitable forum for the parties that use it. On… Read More»