Category: Uncategorized

New data reveals how unions benefit communities, consumers, employers, and employees As the assault on workers’ rights reaches a fever pitch, positive messages about unions are few and far between. To push back against this trend, American Rights at Work Education Fund has produced and funded five new reports revealing… Read More»

Case Studies of Fletcher Allen Health Care, Kaiser Permanente, and Montefiore Medical Center’s Care Management Company, LLC Researched and written by Peter Lazes, Liana Katz, and Maria Figueroa EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the wake of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law in March 2010, many… Read More»

“Right to work” sounds like a good idea. But in reality, these laws have nothing to do with providing rights or work. Right-to-work laws make it optional for workers protected by a union contract to help pay for the expenses that the union incurs while guaranteeing the rights of all employees.… Read More»

A new study from American Rights at Work compares the “Workplace Rights Policy” of National Express Group, Durham’s parent company, to internationally accepted standards for workers’ rights, and finds that the company’s policy falls far short of protecting its employees’ freedom of association and other fundamental rights on the job.… Read More»

When it comes to creating jobs to jump-start our nation’s economy, we have to ensure they are good, family-sustaining jobs that offer career advancement. Construction projects have the opportunity to do just that—especially when they utilize opportunities to employ traditionally disadvantaged communities and local workers. A new study by Cornell… Read More»

If you’ve never been in a union, chances are the concept is pretty foreign. When it comes to understanding unions, collective bargaining, and labor laws, the technical jargon can get really confusing, not to mention all of the misinformation about unions that’s regularly spread around. This quick tutorial gives the… Read More»

Public education has always been a path to achieving the American Dream. And if education is the blueprint to the dream, then our nation’s teachers are the architects. Educating America’s children is not only about individual student achievement; it’s about building the next generation of thinkers, leaders, workers, and citizens… Read More»

The attack on pensions over the past few years ignores the fact that these funds not only provide for a decent retirement after decades of hard work; they serve as a powerful source of capital that drives our economy. In this brief, we shine the light on one small fraction… Read More»

“Creating Hourly Careers: A New Vision for Walmart and the Country” exposes the barriers to career development at the country’s most powerful retailer, and makes the case for a new way of doing business. Rather than finding opportunities for professional growth, Walmart associates are faced with a cap on wages,… Read More»

Misclassification of employees as independent contractors costs us all: federal and state governments, businesses, workers, and taxpayers. Our laws grant workers vital workplace benefits and protections, as long as the worker is a direct employee of the employer. Consequently, workers who are independent contractors in name only are cheated out… Read More»