Category: Uncategorized

During this time of public health and economic crisis, it’s clear that we’ve learned some lessons from the federal bailouts in response to the 2007-2009 financial crisis, but rather than taking small steps in the right direction, we need to make a significant leap forward.   In response to the Great Recession, Congress pumped money into… Read More»

By Eric Leveridge, Clean Slate for the Future of Labor Law Fellow In the face of stagnant wages and skyrocketing costs of living, working families need new, overarching solutions — because band-aids won’t solve generations worth of systematic inequality. That’s why, through the coming together of over 70 leading scholars,… Read More»

Nearly 20 years ago, I was in a car with my mom headed back to North Carolina after my grandmother’s funeral.  I was glad to be leaving.  Funerals alone are sad.  And on top of that it was depressing to see the state of some folks—this uncle still couldn’t keep a job; that… Read More»

On November 15th, Chicago Public Schools’ (CPS) educators approved a landmark new contract. They won the hard-fought victory after going on strike and shutting down the third-largest school district in the United States. Four weeks earlier, teachers with the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and school support staff with SEIU 73… Read More»

By: Brian Van Slyke, TESA Collective The time is ripe for STRIKE! The Game of Worker Rebellion, a board where you mobilize workers around your city to defeat a nefarious megacorporation. With workers joining together and taking action around the country – from teachers to tech workers, hotel employees, nurses,… Read More»

This is the story of Jimmy, a poultry plant worker and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipient. Jobs With Justice stands with Jimmy, and the hundreds of thousands of working families who depend on this program to give them access to better jobs. On June 3, 2018, Jimmy Rodriguez… Read More»

On August 7, 2019 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted aggressive workplace raids in Mississippi. Agents arrested around 680 people in what is considered the largest immigration raid in U.S. history. In response to this crisis, Jobs With Justice sent nine leaders and activists from across the country to coordinate,… Read More»