
Image via Wikimedia.

Fast Track legislation has passed out of the Senate and is headed for the the House of Representatives. Any day now, your representatives may vote on this dangerous legislation that would grant Congress license to expedite secret job-killing trade policies written by the 1% for the 1% that will kill… Read More»

via IIP Photo Archive

It’s the time of the year when many similar stories surface announcing that this year’s class of graduating students will hold the most debt on record. Almost identical articles were written last year, and they will likely be written again next year. Yes, the class of 2015 holds the unfortunate… Read More»

Via Montgomery County Planning Commission

This past January, the insurance giant Aetna announced that it would raise its minimum wage to $16 an hour, and in late April, these raises finally made it into its employees’ pockets. As part of an effort to reduce the stress faced by front-line customer service associates in addressing their… Read More»

Today, Jobs With Justice joined the Center for Community Change, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Working Families Organization and the Center for Popular Democracy to launch Putting Families First: Good Jobs for All, a major campaign to secure quality, family-supporting jobs to everyone. At an event featuring… Read More»

Photo via Scott Marshall

Last week, undergraduate student workers who provide academic support in University of Massachusetts-Amherst residence halls overwhelmingly voted for union representation with the UAW by a margin of 47-2. The University had fought against the peer mentors’ desire to band together for a voice on the job, and claimed that they… Read More»

Photo via Flickr

For the more than 40 million student debtors who, on average, owe $30,000, keeping up with bills every month is next to impossible. In fact, new data released by the Department of Education shows that nearly a third of all student debtors with federal student debt are behind on their… Read More»

A new report released by researchers at Rutgers University Center for Women and Work breaks new ground in studying the growing field of care work by asking home-care consumers to define “quality” care and describe how care-worker training affects the quality of care they receive. Through interviews with both care… Read More»

Original photo via Flickr user jeepersmedia

This post was guest-written for our site by Tashlin Lakhani, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Management and Human Resources at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University, and Maite Tapia, Ph.D., assistant professor in the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations at Michigan State… Read More»

CONTACT: Ori Korin 202-393-1044 x126 or Washington, D.C. — Following years of pressure from borrowers, legislators and activists and growing outrage over mishandling of information, the U.S. Department of Education announced late yesterday that it would be terminating its debt collection contracts with five private collection agencies, including Pioneer… Read More»