President Obama issued an executive order that holds federal contractors accountable for violating their workers’ rights by making it harder for repeat lawbreakers to win future contracts. Read Sarita Gupta’s statement and learn more here.
President Obama issued an executive order that holds federal contractors accountable for violating their workers’ rights by making it harder for repeat lawbreakers to win future contracts. Read Sarita Gupta’s statement and learn more here.
CONTACT: Ori Korin 202-393-1044 x126 or ori@jwj.org Washington, D.C. – In response to the announcement from the White House that President Obama intends to issue an executive order seeking enhanced enforcement of workers’ rights for employees of federal contractors, Jobs With Justice Executive Director Sarita Gupta released the following statement:… Read More»
When you work AT McDonald’s, you work FOR McDonald’s. In a significant ruling, the NLRB’s general counsel classified McDonald’s as a “joint employer,” which means the company may finally be held responsible for how workers are treated at its restaurants. Learn more!
Despite its high minimum wage, San Francisco has the second-highest rate of income inequality among major U.S. cities. One of the reasons why people aren’t earning enough money to make ends meet in the Bay Area, and across the country, is because they can’t get sufficient hours at their jobs.… Read More»
Learn more: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/07/19/332879409/states-that-raised-minimum-wage-see-faster-job-growth-report-says
“The water department announced in March it was resuming efforts to shut off water service to more than 150,000 delinquent customers in order to collect about $118 million in outstanding bills. The department said it would target customers whose bills are more than two months late and would shut off… Read More»
Veterans deserve better than this from Congress. “By the end of June, an estimated 285,000 veterans will be going without long-term unemployment benefits because Congress allowed the program to expire, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).” Learn more:http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/06/25/3452888/unemployment-veterans-benefits/
Walmart, the nation’s most profitable corporation, may also be the greatest beneficiary of the taxpayer-funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly referred to as food stamps. But how has Walmart managed to make so much money off of taxpayers? For the short answer, take a look at the chart below… Read More»
Yesterday I had the honor of kicking off the fourth annual national Labor Research and Action Network (LRAN) conference, hosted by the Kalmanovitz Initiative at Georgetown University. Over 250 labor scholars and practitioners from unions, universities and nonprofits across the country have come together here to share their experiences and… Read More»