Opponents love to claim that raising the minimum wage will drive businesses elsewhere, but the evidence suggests otherwise. A study at the University of California at Berkeley compared hundreds of pairs of adjacent counties in states with differing minimum wage rates and concluded that a higher minimum wage didn’t significantly… Read More»
See for yourself: Year Minimum wage Representative Salary Senator Salary 1988 $3.35 $89,500 $89,500 1989 $3.35 $89,500 $89,500 1990 $3.80 $96,600 $98,400 1991 $4.25 $125,100 $125,100 1992 $4.25 $129,500 $129,500 1993 $4.25 $133,600 $133,600 1994 $4.25 $133,600 $133,600 1995 $4.25 $133,600 $133,600 1996 $4.75 $133,600 $133,600 1997 $5.15 $133,600 $133,600… Read More»

Last year, we publicized the brave protests and strikes the National Guestworker Alliance (NGA) and student guestworkers organized to blow the whistle on retaliation and labor abuse suffered at the hands of McDonald’s restaurants in Pennsylvania. The students, who paid $3,000 to $4,000 for their ‘cultural-exchange’ visas, were shocked to… Read More»
CONTACT: Ori Korin, ori@jwj.org or 202-393-1044 x126 “Workers woke up this morning knowing that Congress should raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, and they’ll go to bed tonight secure in that belief. Today’s CBO report confirms that the Fair Minimum Wage Act will lead to higher pay for… Read More»

As corporate profits continue to soar, workers’ wages continue to stagnate, creating the widest income inequality gap our country has seen in modern times. So it comes as no surprise that 80 percent of Americans support proposals to raise the minimum wage to $10.10. It should also come as no… Read More»

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Not only is she giving away half of her salary, she says wonderful things like this: “Seattle City Councilmembers receive over $117,000 a year — the second highest of any city council in the country. Inevitably, such a salary removes Councilmembers from the realities of life for working people. I… Read More»
Increase to Federal Contractor’s Minimum Wage Step in the Right Direction, But Too Many Other Workers Still Making Poverty Wages CONTACT: Ori Korin, ori@jwj.org 202-393-1044 x126 Washington, D.C. – Following the announcement that President Obama will issue an Executive Order raising the minimum wage for federally contracted workers, Jobs With… Read More»