
Photo by Stop Fast Track

Given that we’re used to a slow moving Congress, it’s understandable that “Fast Track” legislation sounds promising. Unfortunately, Congress will soon consider “Fast Track,” which would limit debate and prevent amendments in Congress on trade deals. Such expedited authority would make it much easier to pass future trade agreements, including… Read More»

Original photo by Flickr user livenature

Utah is on track to end homelessness by 2015 with this remarkably simple concept. “In 2005, Utah figured out that the annual cost of E.R. visits and jail stays for homeless people was about $16,670 per person, compared to $11,000 to provide each homeless person with an apartment and a… Read More»

Source: Oxfam

A recent report by Oxfam has shed new light on the growing crisis of economic inequality. According to the report, one percent of the human population now controls almost half of the world’s wealth. The 85 wealthiest individuals own as much as half of the world’s population. The report warns… Read More»

CONTACT: Ori Korin 202-393-1044 x126 Washington, D.C. – Following today’s announcement that Representative George Miller (D-Calif.) will retire from Congress at the end of this year, Jobs With Justice Executive Director Sarita Gupta issued this statement: “Over the last four decades, George Miller has made a career of fighting… Read More»

This could explain a few things... "Among the 534 current members of Congress, at least 268 had an average net worth of $1 million or more for 2012." Learn more:

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Learn more about one mayor's vow get his city a $15 minimum wage:

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Contact: Gwen Glazer Phone:  (607) 254-8390 E-mail: ITHACA, N.Y. (Jan. 9, 2014) – A quarter-century of labor history will be preserved and available to researchers all over the world, thanks to Jobs With Justice’s recent donation to the ILR School’s Kheel Center for Labor Management Documentation and Archives. Jobs… Read More»

Thanks to new legislation taking effect this year, an estimated 2.5 million minimum wage workers in at least 13 states will receive much-needed pay increases in 2014. As wealth inequality continues to grow, these latest pay increases are a step in the right direction. In New York, the minimum wage… Read More»

Atlanta Jobs With Justice support fast food workers on strike. Image via Twitter @AtlantaJwJ

On December 5, fast food workers went on strike in over 100 cities nationwide with support from local Jobs With Justice coalitions. While the fast food workers were within their legal rights to strike, the risk of employer retaliation often looms large when workers take courageous action to speak out… Read More»