
Image via Joe Brusky

A dominant narrative in the United States persists that if Black people would take personal responsibility and work hard, we could achieve gains similar to those of our white counterparts. And while the number of Black college graduates has quintupled over the past 50 years, the increase in education has… Read More»

In a victory for working people, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released regulations implementing President Obama’s executive order to require federal contractors to provide paid sick leave to people who work for them. These regulations keep the federal government on pace to implement its paid sick leave rule by… Read More»

Update (10/21/16): Since we published this post, the Emeryville, California City Council unanimously approved legislation that will require large retail employers to publish work schedules two weeks in advance, pay extra compensation for last-minute schedule changes and provide opportunities for part-time employees to work more hours before hiring another person. This is just… Read More»

Earlier this month Wells Fargo was fined an extraordinary sum because of pervasive fraudulent banking operations. Missing from the headlines is the full backstory of how the bank’s predatory and high-pressure sales tactics came to light. Wells Fargo is finally starting to be held accountable, in part due to pressure from… Read More»

Since the façade of economic stability fell in the United States during the 2008 financial crisis, millions of people have taken to the streets. Fed up with government bailouts of those who had caused the crisis, fed up with corporate practices which depleted American cities of well-paying jobs, and fed… Read More»

Image via Wikimedia.

It’s crucial that our Members of Congress hear from us loud and clear that they must oppose TPP during the lame duck session. Call 1-888-659-7351!

Four hundred people who make beloved, iconic marshmallow Peeps and other candies in Bethlehem, Pa., made the hard decision to go out on strike on September 7. Despite soaring profits, the corporation they work for–Just Born Inc.–wants to bully them into agreeing to eliminate their hard-earned pension plan and make… Read More»

Jobs With Justice hosted a #BlackWorkMatters Twitter Town Hall to spark conversations on the role of race and racism in the workplace and the broader economy throughout the week of Labor Day. We brought together organizers, advocates and thought leaders from across the racial justice, economic justice and labor movements to… Read More»

UPDATE (8/10/16): The Budget and Finance Committee of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors tabled the Fair Share Homeless and Housing Impact Technology Tax on August 1. A number of community groups, including Jobs With Justice San Francisco, plan to gather signatures from the public and place the initiative on the ballot at the… Read More»

Original photo via Flickr user zooboing

A recent study has proven what millions of working people have known for years: Work is stressful, and many employers only make things worse. A new poll from NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that among working adults who have felt… Read More»