
Photo via The All-Nite Images

Tamara Draut, the Vice President of Policy and Research at Demos, published her latest book, “Sleeping Giant: How America’s New Working Class Will Transform America,” this spring. Draut delves into not just the struggles facing working families, but the incredible power and potential of our new working class to change our… Read More»

Pictured L-R: Jack Metzgar, Roosevelt University; Roberta Lynch, AFSCME Counil 31; Kenneth Franklin, ATU Local 308; Karen Lewis, CTU. Credit: Alfredo Peralta, Jr (APJ Photography)

This story was written by Jeff Schuhrke and first appeared at In These Times. When 100,000 protesters occupied the Wisconsin State Capitol in early 2011 in an attempt to thwart Governor Scott Walker’s bill revoking the rights of public sector employees, a group of labor researchers and scholars were motivated to… Read More»

Most of us aren’t planning for long-term care right now. It’s daunting to think so far ahead, even for the savviest of consumers, especially when most of us are struggling to save for retirement and when you consider the overwhelming costs. When we do open up and talk about what… Read More»

After much anticipation and speculation, the Labor Department released an update today to the rules that govern who is protected by the overtime pay provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act. This long overdue change will significantly increase the number of people who are able to earn a fair return… Read More»

The tech industry is synonymous with cutting-edge innovation, yet the industry’s employment practices are frequently backward. There’s the lack of diversity in hiring and the prevalence of contracted work arrangements that, while often invisible, contribute to the deepening inequality in its hometown of Silicon Valley. One of the tech industry’s… Read More»

The 24th annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive will take place on Saturday, May 14. This massive food drive, organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, takes place in 10,000 cities and provides food to communities across the country. Last year I spoke with Willie Groshell,… Read More»

Verizon has long been out of touch with the needs of the people who make the telecommunications giant so insanely profitable. More than 39,000 men and women who work for the company are on strike right now because Verizon refuses to negotiate a contract that respects them and their families.… Read More»

39,000 men and women walked off their jobs at Verizon and Verizon Wireless more than two weeks ago. Even though Verizon made billions of dollars in profit last year, executives are demanding life-altering sacrifices from the people whose hard work makes the company run. But this fight is bigger than… Read More»

Last week, McDonald’s announced its earnings and profit numbers for the first quarter of 2016. The company reported $5.9 billion in gross sales and $1.1 billion in net income—a 35 percent increase from the first quarter of 2015. So what’s behind McDonald’s recent success? Some chalked the spike up to… Read More»

Hugo Boss, the multibillion-dollar luxury fashion giant, is under fire for a string of labor violations at its massive factory in Turkey. The Fair Labor Association (FLA), an auditing group made up of universities, NGOs and companies, including Hugo Boss, recently issued a report based on its monitoring of working… Read More»