
Today, Jobs With Justice joined the Center for Community Change, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Working Families Organization and the Center for Popular Democracy to launch Putting Families First: Good Jobs for All, a major campaign to secure quality, family-supporting jobs to everyone. At an event featuring… Read More»

Photo via Scott Marshall

Last week, undergraduate student workers who provide academic support in University of Massachusetts-Amherst residence halls overwhelmingly voted for union representation with the UAW by a margin of 47-2. The University had fought against the peer mentors’ desire to band together for a voice on the job, and claimed that they… Read More»

Original photo via Flickr user jeepersmedia

This post was guest-written for our site by Tashlin Lakhani, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Management and Human Resources at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University, and Maite Tapia, Ph.D., assistant professor in the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations at Michigan State… Read More»

Last week, undergraduate students employed as “peer mentors” at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst won the right to form a union. The Commonwealth Employment Relations Board, which oversees labor disputes in the state, ruled in favor of the university employees after UMass-Amherst blocked their petition for an election earlier… Read More»

Photo from Wikimedia Commons/Geraldshields11

On December 12, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced its adoption of a final rule to modernize and streamline the process for resolving union representation disputes. The long overdue rule, taking effect on April 14, 2015, will reduce a number of obstacles working people face when trying to form… Read More»

For years, Denver SuperShuttle drivers have been fighting for dignity and respect and an end to corporate abuse. Now, with the support of the Denver metro area community, they are getting closer to victory. Despite the airport van service’s growth and profits, SuperShuttle drivers face harsh working conditions and unjust… Read More»

The opening plenary featured Harvard University scholar Theda Skocpol and journalist and author of Nixonland, Rick Perlstein.

Yesterday I had the honor of kicking off the fourth annual national Labor Research and Action Network (LRAN) conference, hosted by the Kalmanovitz Initiative at Georgetown University. Over 250 labor scholars and practitioners from unions, universities and nonprofits across the country have come together here to share their experiences and… Read More»

The Supreme Court will issue a decision this month that could repeal collective bargaining rights for home-care workers. Learn the potential impact the ruling could have on care workers, care consumers and working people. You can make your voice heard by adding your name to our petition and stand with… Read More»

Restaurant Opportunities Center action

Today many workers who try to band together to improve their jobs through traditional workplace organizing face significant impediments at the hand of hostile employers and outdated labor laws. Those challenges are even more noteworthy for the nearly quarter of the workforce that has no protection under the federal National… Read More»