
Demonstrates benefits of collective bargaining for students, schools, and communities CONTACT: Zoe Bridges-Curry, (202) 822-2127 x122 Washington, D.C. – With school budgets strapped for cash and teachers’ collective bargaining rights under attack, schools and communities are looking for success stories and a dose of good news. A new report… Read More»

The attack on pensions over the past few years ignores the fact that these funds not only provide for a decent retirement after decades of hard work; they serve as a powerful source of capital that drives our economy. In this brief, we shine the light on one small fraction… Read More»

Strong partnerships with workers and unions help companies stay afloat in a tough economy Decreased demand for products and services, healthcare costs, increased domestic competition, and difficulty attracting investors are just some of the most pressing obstacles affecting businesses’ financial stability, according to a recent poll by the Society for… Read More»

Business leaders from around the country recognize the important role unions can play in restoring balance to our faltering economy. These employers, investors, and academics see unions as a way to achieve long-term economic growth and stability. » Download as a PDF: Business Leaders Support Workers’ Rights and a Fair Economy Employers… Read More»

It’s more important than ever for America’s workers to be able to stand together to protect their jobs and improve their economic situation. Strengthening workers’ rights to form unions is one of the best steps Congress can take to restore the economy and rebuild the middle class. » Download as a… Read More»

Many businesses understand the value unions bring to their bottom line: increased productivity, improved service, lower turnover, higher sales, job training, and community reinvestment. As lawmakers ponder ways to improve the economy and create jobs, strengthening workers’ rights to form unions must be considered as an effective way to invigorate businesses… Read More»

When workers have a seat at the table, their voices strengthen local economic development and helps ensure fairness, quality jobs, and long-term sustainable growth. Labor unions have been responding to the unfair policies of the last several decades by taking action to shape local economic development policies/issues.1  In partnerships with… Read More»

American Rights at Work Demands Accountability and Immediate Change of Course  CONTACT: Josh Goldstein, 202-822-2127 x118 WASHINGTON, DC—American Rights at Work today launched an unprecedented web-based campaign highlighting the numerous failures of Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, President Bush’s longest-serving cabinet member. Through, the public will get… Read More»

New Report Features Current & Former FedEx Ground Drivers Describing Discriminatory Practices and Unionbusting Efforts CONTACTS: Liz Cattaneo, 202-822-2127 x104 Mistique Cano, 202-263-2882 WASHINGTON, DC – “Fed Up with FedEx: How FedEx Ground Tramples Workers’ Rights and Civil Rights,” a report that documents how FedEx appears to misclassify… Read More»

New report uncovers how employers exploit weakness in U.S. labor law during union recognition elections CONTACT: Liz Cattaneo 202-822-2127 x104 WASHINGTON, DC – A new report released today by American Rights at Work reveals how telecom giant Verizon has broken the law to thwart workers’ freedom to form unions… Read More»