Set schedules are almost unheard of in the restaurant industry — but this restaurant in San Francisco has proven they’re good for business. “Piallat, the restaurant owner, said she believes her worker-friendly policies have helped her bottom line… She initially instituted policies such as set schedules and benefits ‘because I… Read More»

President Obama issued an executive order that holds federal contractors accountable for violating their workers’ rights by making it harder for repeat lawbreakers to win future contracts. Read Sarita Gupta’s statement and learn more here.

Despite its high minimum wage, San Francisco has the second-highest rate of income inequality among major U.S. cities. One of the reasons why people aren’t earning enough money to make ends meet in the Bay Area, and across the country, is because they can’t get sufficient hours at their jobs.… Read More»

They did it! Massachusetts domestic workers and their allies, including Massachusetts Jobs With Justice, recently passed a statewide domestic workers Bill of Rights. Massachusetts marks the fourth state to pass a domestic workers Bill of Rights in four years, following New York, California and Hawaii. The trend reflects a growing… Read More»
An Attack on Working People Is an Attack on Everyone CONTACT: Liz Cattaneo, 202-393-1044 x104 or Washington, D.C. – Following today’s Supreme Court ruling in Harris v. Quinn, Jobs With Justice Executive Director Sarita Gupta issued the following statement: “Today, in an overreaching decision, the Supreme Court limited collective… Read More»
Who writes the rules in our democracy? McDonald’s or Senator McConnell? Walmart or Senator Pryor? CONTACT: Ori Korin, or 202-393-1044 x126 Washington, D.C. – Following the U.S. Senate’s failed vote to end debate on the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013 (S. 2223), Jobs With Justice Executive Director Sarita… Read More»
Paying low wages is not a necessity, it’s a choice. When these guys opened their burger joint, they chose to do better. “We did this because, in our mind, it was the right thing to do. This is too hard a job to pay minimum wage. So far, we haven’t lost… Read More»

On March 13, 2014, the Louisville Metro Council voted 26–0 to pass the “Ban the Box” ordinance in Louisville. The unanimous vote is the culmination of two years of hard, persistent work by many community members, groups, organizations, elected officials and Kentucky Jobs with Justice. Read my email interview with… Read More»
Opponents to raising the minimum wage often declare doomsday predictions about what will happen to jobs. But is any of it true? “Washington state, for example, has the nation’s highest rate, $9.32 an hour. Despite dire predictions that increases would cripple job growth and boost unemployment, this isn’t what happened.… Read More»