CONTACT: Ori Korin (202) 822-2127 x126 Washington, D.C. – Following the recent Senate compromise negotiated to avert any further delay and obstruction of Executive Branch appointments to cabinet positions, the Senate must now act to consider promptly the White House’s full slate of nominees to the National Labor… Read More»
CONTACT: Ori Korin (202) 822-2127 x126 Washington, D.C. – Following the Senate’s confirmation of Tom Perez as the U.S. Secretary of Labor, Sarita Gupta, executive director of Jobs with Justice and American Rights at Work, and co-director of the Caring Across Generations campaign, issued the following statement: “We’re pleased… Read More»

Hundreds of workers walked out of their fast food jobs at over 30 locations this past week. Workers walked out for better pay, respect on the job, and the right to form a union. St. Louis Jobs with Justice Student Co-Chair Rasheen Aldridge works at Jimmy John’s and has been… Read More»
A special report, examining the state of workplace health and safety in Tennessee, concludes that “overall job fatality rates in Tennessee are about 39% higher” than rates for the rest of the United States. In addition it finds that “injuries and illnesses rates are consistently higher in Tennessee than the… Read More»
CONTACT: Ori Korin, 202-822-2127 x126 Today, international worker rights groups are calling for immediate action from international corporations and brands following the horrific news of a deadly collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Savar, in Dhaka Bangladesh. The collapse of the eight story building that housed five factories… Read More»
Whistleblower protections for immigrant workers also protect U.S. workers CONTACTS: Liz Cattaneo,, 202-822-2127 x104 Stephen Boykewich,, 718-791-9162 WASHINGTON, DC —The Senate immigration bill’s inclusion of POWER Act worker protections is a huge victory for immigrant and U.S. workers alike. Too often, employers use threats of retaliation and deportation… Read More»
Last May, Georgia Labor Commissioner, Mark Butler, unilaterally decided to deny access to unemployment benefits to about 64,000 contracted bus drivers, custodians, crossing guards and cafeteria workers. Since then, Atlanta Jobs with Justice has lead the Justice for School Workers campaign demanding that Commissioner Butler reinstate their unemployment benefits. Throughout… Read More»
Blog post courtesy of Family Forward Oregon Last week, after a two-year campaign, Portland became the fourth city in the United States to pass paid sick days legislation. This is a victory for workers in Portland and, according to Commissioner Fritz, who championed the legislation, “…a historic moment for human… Read More»
CONTACT: Ori Korin, (202) 822-2127 x126 Washington, D.C. – Following the White House’s announcement of the Department of Justice’s Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Tom Perez as the nominee for the U.S. Secretary of Labor, Sarita Gupta, executive director of Jobs with Justice and American Rights at Work… Read More»
By Denise Diaz, Executive Director, Central Florida Jobs with Justice Democracy speaks loud and clear! Last Friday, a three-judge panel ruled that Orange County commissioners broke the law by refusing to put an earned sick time referendum on the ballot in November, effectively suppressing the voices of 50,000 voters in… Read More»