
Dominic Ware, an OUR Walmart member fired after participating in strikes last year, holds a Jobs With Justice sign at last week's rally. Photo by Peter Menchini.

by Kung Feng, Jobs With Justice San Francisco | This post originally appeared on Last week, one hundred San Francisco workers and labor activists marched through the Union Square shopping district calling for a $15 minimum wage and fair schedules. Recently, dramatic strikes by fast food and Walmart workers… Read More»

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Yesterday, a new bill intended to curb abusive scheduling practices at chain stores, fast food restaurants and banks was introduced to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The Predictable Scheduling and Fair Treatment Ordinance, introduced by Supervisor David Chiu, would require employers at certain chain businesses to post work schedules… Read More»

This San Francisco restaurant owner instituted stable, predictable schedules for her employees – and it’s paid off. “In an industry with high turnover, she hasn’t had to hire a kitchen worker in more than three years – four have been there for well over a decade – and more than… Read More»

Set schedules are almost unheard of in the restaurant industry — but this restaurant in San Francisco has proven they’re good for business. “Piallat, the restaurant owner, said she believes her worker-friendly policies have helped her bottom line… She initially instituted policies such as set schedules and benefits ‘because I… Read More»

Despite its high minimum wage, San Francisco has the second-highest rate of income inequality among major U.S. cities. One of the reasons why people aren’t earning enough money to make ends meet in the Bay Area, and across the country, is because they can’t get sufficient hours at their jobs.… Read More»

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It’s no secret that the world’s most profitable employers often pay some of the lowest wages. Companies like Walmart and McDonald’s make billions each year, yet their employees rely on taxpayer-funded government assistance just to make ends meet. Now, men and women employed at these companies have taken bold risks… Read More»

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Susan Hurley of Chicago Jobs with Justice addresses a crowd protesting closing of nearly 50 public schools.

On May 22, 2013, the unelected Chicago Public School Board (CPS), appointed by Mayor Emmanuel, decided to close nearly 50 public schools in Chicago, the largest public school mass closing in the history of the US. The implications for the largely African American and Latino working class families in Chicago… Read More»

Last week, 99% Power launched the shareholder spring with a week of action targeting Wells Fargo, Walmart, Bank of America and Sallie Mae as key examples of how the corporate 1% devastate our communities, lives, and the planet.  The week of action demanded that these corporations renegotiate their debts to… Read More»