
Unions & Business: Surviving the Recession Together

May 6, 2010

Strong partnerships with workers and unions help companies stay afloat in a tough economy Decreased demand for products and services, healthcare costs, increased domestic competition, and difficulty attracting investors are just some of the most pressing obstacles affecting businesses’ financial stability, according to a recent poll by the Society for… Read More»

Business Leaders Support Workers’ Rights and a Fair Economy

March 24, 2010

Business leaders from around the country recognize the important role unions can play in restoring balance to our faltering economy. These employers, investors, and academics see unions as a way to achieve long-term economic growth and stability. » Download as a PDF: Business Leaders Support Workers’ Rights and a Fair Economy Employers… Read More»

Businesses and Communities Benefit When Workers Have Unions

Many businesses understand the value unions bring to their bottom line: increased productivity, improved service, lower turnover, higher sales, job training, and community reinvestment. As lawmakers ponder ways to improve the economy and create jobs, strengthening workers’ rights to form unions must be considered as an effective way to invigorate businesses… Read More»

Lowering the Bar or Setting the Standard?

December 9, 2009

Deutsche Telekom’s U.S. Labor Practices The failure of U.S. labor law to protect America’s workers from pervasive unionbusting is well-documented. Yet little attention has been paid to the practice of foreign companies operating in cooperation with their employees in their home countries, where labor laws are stronger, while failing to… Read More»

ICED OUT: How Immigration Enforcement Has Interfered with Workers’ Rights

October 29, 2009

When unscrupulous employers fail to uphold labor standards for certain groups of workers, like undocumented immigrants, all U.S. workers suffer the consequences. By driving down labor standards to the lowest common denominator, it becomes harder to enforce laws and standards even for native-born workers. In this report we focus on… Read More»

Unions and Other Community Groups Benefit Local Economic Development

August 24, 2009

When workers have a seat at the table, their voices strengthen local economic development and helps ensure fairness, quality jobs, and long-term sustainable growth. Labor unions have been responding to the unfair policies of the last several decades by taking action to shape local economic development policies/issues.1  In partnerships with… Read More»

The Haves and Have-Nots

June 27, 2009

How American Labor Law Denies a Quarter of the Workforce Collective Bargaining Rights Download Executive Summary (PDF) Download Full Report (PDF) The right to organize and bargain collectively under the protection of law is the bedrock upon which workers are able to form or join a labor union. American labor… Read More»

Legal But Wrong

December 1, 2008

The following is a list of tactics used by employers to prevent employees from voting for union representation. While most Americans would consider these tactics to be too intimidating to ensure that a fair election could be held, they were all found to be legal under the National Labor Relations… Read More»

Fed Up With FedEx

October 24, 2007

When is a FedEx worker not a FedEx employee? When it benefits the FedEx Corporation.  In a new report, Fed Up With FedEx: How FedEx Ground Tramples Workers’ Rights at Civil Rights, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and American Rights at Work document the widespread use of employee misclassification at… Read More»

Learn More

Jobs With Justice produces research that supports campaigns to raise standards for workers, as well as research that informs the public discourse on workers’ rights and an economy that works for everyone. Our recent research has been used to underscore the need for immigration reform, expose employer abuses of workers’ rights, and highlight ways in which public employees have improved how government runs. Our research is regularly used by policymakers, mentioned by major news outlets, and cited by workers’ rights advocates. Additionally, through the management of the Labor Research and Action Network, we connect labor scholars with practitioners, enabling them to provide credible research and expertise that can make a difference in the lives of workers.