Tag: Atlanta

Atlanta Fought for $15 and Won

June 26, 2017

People working for the city of Atlanta received welcome news as the City Council unanimously passed a budget raising their wages. Starting on July 1, 2017, base pay for city employees will rise from $10.10 to $13 an hour. Even better news? By mid-2019, all city employees will earn a… Read More»

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The Moral Monday Movement: Transforming the South

April 7, 2014

Fifty-four years after the historic lunch counter sit-ins launched the civil rights era, in which four black students sat down at a segregated Woolworth’s lunch counter and demanded to be served, North Carolina once again captured the nation’s attention with the launch of the Moral Monday movement last year. The… Read More»

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Fast Food Strikers Risk Retaliation to Shine Light on Low Wage Crisis

December 19, 2013

On December 5, fast food workers went on strike in over 100 cities nationwide with support from local Jobs With Justice coalitions. While the fast food workers were within their legal rights to strike, the risk of employer retaliation often looms large when workers take courageous action to speak out… Read More»

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