April 11, 2018
In the last six weeks, educators and school employees in politically red states have taken direct action to improve conditions for themselves and their students. Their militancy models what it means for working people to act like a union—regardless of how employers define them. Like the Memphis sanitation workers 50… Read More»
Tags: AFT, American Federation of Teachers, Arizona, Bargaining, Educators, Kentucky, NEA, Oklahoma, public education, strikes, Teachers, Union Contract, West Virginia
March 3, 2017
What is collective bargaining? Collective bargaining is the formal process of negotiation between an employer and a group of employees—often with their union representative—that sets the terms and conditions of work. Collective bargaining results in a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), a legally binding agreement that lays out policies agreed to… Read More»
Tags: 101, Bargaining, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Human Rights, Negotiations, Right to Work, strikes