Tag: Chamber of Commerce

From Coast to Coast, Working People Fight for Stable Schedules

September 21, 2016

Update (10/21/16): Since we published this post, the Emeryville, California City Council unanimously approved legislation that will require large retail employers to publish work schedules two weeks in advance, pay extra compensation for last-minute schedule changes and provide opportunities for part-time employees to work more hours before hiring another person. This is just… Read More»

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Business Executives Support Stable Schedules for Working People. Why Are Chamber Lobbyists Fighting Them?

April 5, 2016

We already knew that chambers of commerce, at the national, state and local levels, lobby against the interests of working Americans. Yesterday we learned that these business groups might be lobbying against their own members’ interests too. In a leaked webinar, a member of conservative pollster Frank Luntz’s firm reviews… Read More»

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Too Good to Be True: The Problem(s) With Uber and the On-Demand Economy

March 10, 2016

At first, companies like Uber were hailed as “disrupters” and “innovators” that would change not only the way we purchase goods and services, but also how we work and earn income. Now, holes are starting to show in the fabric of the “on-demand” economy business model. Until recently, there was… Read More»

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