June 12, 2019
The latest report from Global Labor Justice (GLJ) and the Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) details gender-based violence in the workplace that has become a front and center issue in recent years. While the issue itself receives more attention than it once did, we still lack the resources or guidelines… Read More»
Tags: AFWA, Asia Floor Wage Alliance, garment factory, Garment industry, gender-based violence, Global Labor Justice, Global Supply chain, H&M, IndustriALL Bangladesh, The Gap, Walmart
September 17, 2014
Since January, workers in garment factories in Cambodia making clothes for companies like Walmart and H&M have been calling for fair wages, asking their employers for a base wage of $177 per month. Workers have also been asking the companies to commit to ongoing negotiations with garment workers’ unions and… Read More»
Tags: Asia Floor Wage Alliance, Cambodia, garment factory, H&M, Southeast Asia, Supply chain, Walmart