April 5, 2017
A doctor decided that Loretta Ross shouldn’t have any more children. He sterilized her without her permission when she was 23. A woman working at Burger King wanted to see a doctor because she was bleeding profusely. Her manager pressured her to stay at work or risk losing her job.… Read More»
Tags: Activism, All Above All, Center for American Progress, Economic justice, Healthcare, Intersectionality, organizing, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Justice, Resistance, women of color
August 6, 2015
This post is second in a series about the Jobs With Justice network and the broader labor movement fight for racial justice. You can find the first post here. DC Jobs With Justice has dedicated itself to finding the issues where racial and economic justice intersect, collaborating with local activists and… Read More»
Tags: AFL-CIO, DC Jobs With Justice, Intersectionality, Mike Brown, Nikki Lewis, racial justice, Walmart