Tag: lobbyists

Business Executives Support Stable Schedules for Working People. Why Are Chamber Lobbyists Fighting Them?

April 5, 2016

We already knew that chambers of commerce, at the national, state and local levels, lobby against the interests of working Americans. Yesterday we learned that these business groups might be lobbying against their own members’ interests too. In a leaked webinar, a member of conservative pollster Frank Luntz’s firm reviews… Read More»

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Walmart Avoids Paying $1 Billion in Taxes Every Year

November 20, 2014

Walmart, America’s largest corporation, dodges an average of $1 billion in U.S. taxes every year through loopholes and is scheming to avoid billions more, according to a new report published today by Americans for Tax Fairness. The profitable mega retailer is well-known for its aggressive efforts to cut costs and maximize… Read More»

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