Tag: Police brutality

Speaking To This Moment

June 10, 2020

We come to you at a very challenging time for so many of us. Following the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others, alongside the national demonstrations that have followed, Jobs With Justice understands this is a moment for us to come together in solidarity and… Read More»

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Remembering the Slain Black Sharecroppers Who Fought for Their Right to Organize

October 6, 2017

This past week the March for Racial Justice and the March for Black Women mobilized local communities to Washington, D.C. on September 30. Attendees joined together to call out white supremacy, speak against police brutality against Blacks, and bridge the gap of the collective Black experience. Organizers timed the march… Read More»

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Listen Before You Act: A Conversation About Racial Justice with Central Florida JWJ

August 13, 2015

This post is third in a series about the Jobs With Justice network and the broader labor movement fight for racial justice. You can find the first two posts here and here. The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012 sparked a conversation about racial justice nationwide.  Central Florida Jobs With Justice’s… Read More»

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How Jobs With Justice San Francisco Pushes for Racial Justice

July 27, 2015

This post is the first in a series about the Jobs With Justice network and the broader labor movement fighting for racial justice. As the Black Lives Matter movement has taken off, much needed conversations about systemic racism in society have surfaced. As a result, many labor groups around the… Read More»

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