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October 10, 2016
McDonald’s: End the Rampant Sexual Harassment at Your Stores TODAY
People who work for McDonald’s say they’ve had to put up with groping, lewd comments and offers of cash in exchange for sexual favors and the company has looked the other way.
But McDonald’s has the power to crack down on sexual harassment at its stores. It can increase punishment for offenders and make reporting easier for targeted employees.
Instead, it keeps silent. Worse, McDonald’s employees say management at the fast-food giant has retaliated against the people brave enough to come forward and reach out for help.
No one should be subjected to sexual harassment – especially at work. Sign the petition to demand McDonald’s put a stop to sexual harassment.

September 13, 2016
Call Congress and Tell Your Representative to Vote NO on the TPP
Right now, the fate of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is ours to shape. The Obama administration and corporate supporters of the trade agreement are gearing up to force the TPP through in a lame-duck session of Congress after the election.
That’s why dozens of organizations are working together to make Wednesday, September 14 a nationwide TPP Call-In Day — to push more of our representatives in Congress to oppose the TPP before the election.
On Wednesday, join us by calling 1-888-659-7351. After you’re connected to your representative’s office, tell whoever answers that you are opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Here’s a sample script to use when making the call:
— Hi there, my name is [NAME] and as a [STATE] resident, I am calling to urge you to vote against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
— I’ve had enough of bad trade deals that trade U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder and increase the power of multinational corporations and Wall Street over our democracy.
— I urge you to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote NO on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Thank you.
It’s crucial that our Members of Congress hear from us loud and clear that they must oppose TPP during the lame duck session. Call 1-888-659-7351!

September 8, 2016
No Justice, No Peeps: Support Striking Peeps Employees!
Four hundred people who make beloved, iconic marshmallow Peeps and other candies in Bethlehem, Pa., made the hard decision to go out on strike on September 7.
Despite soaring profits, the corporation they work for–Just Born Inc.–wants to bully them into agreeing to eliminate their hard-earned pension plan and make other life-altering cuts to their health care and benefits.
They’re drawing a line in the sand over corporate greed – will you join them? Sign the petition today!

August 2, 2016
Chipotle: Make Taylor Farms live up to your “Food with Integrity” pledge
Working people at Taylor Farms who chop tomatoes and peppers in California for Chipotle have had enough.
Taylor Farms has illegally fired, spied on, threatened and retaliated against the men and women at its Tracy, California plant for joining together and earning a safe and fair return on their work. Four chemical spills at the Taylor plant since October have sent more than 20 people, including two pregnant employees, to the hospital.
Taylor Farms has been charged with 70 citations by the California Occupational Safety and Health Agency in the last year, and the National Labor Relations Board has prosecuted the corporation and its temp agencies for more than 50 violations of labor law.
In spite of the “food with integrity” pledge Chipotle commits to on its website, the burrito giant is ignoring, rather than condemning the unsafe and unjust conditions at Taylor Farms.
Urge Chipotle to live up to its principles and do the right thing: Tell Taylor to clean up its act or else drop them as a supplier.

July 14, 2016
Stand with Striking Trump Taj Mahal Employees!
Nearly 1,000 working people at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City made the hard decision to go on strike on July 1. They’re striking to create a better workplace for everyone working in casinos.
After surviving Donald Trump’s bankruptcies, the staff at the casino were dealt a bad deal – 35 percent cuts in pay and benefits when Trump’s billionaire buddy Carl Icahn took over the casino. Despite working for a billionaire, half of the staff at the Trump Taj Mahal are forced to rely on subsidized health insurance; and some even need food stamps to make ends meet.
They’re drawing a line in the sand over corporate greed – will you join them?

May 30, 2016
Nike: Just Do the Right Thing
Nike recently announced it would no longer allow its factories to be inspected by independent monitors from the Worker Rights Consortium, instead insisting it would only allow inspections by an organization notorious for whitewashing sweatshop abuses – an organization funded by the very same companies it claims to monitor.
As the largest athletic clothing manufacturer in the world, Nike sets a standard that is followed by many other apparel companies. That’s why it’s so important we don’t let Nike get away with doing the wrong thing. Help us ensure more companies don’t shirk their responsibility to the men and women who work in their factories!

May 3, 2016
Take the Pledge: I Won’t Cross the Verizon Picket Line
39,000 men and women walked off their jobs at Verizon and Verizon Wireless more than two weeks ago. Even though Verizon made billions of dollars in profit last year, executives are demanding life-altering sacrifices from the people whose hard work makes the company run.
But this fight is bigger than Verizon. It’s about doing whatever it takes to create a fair return on work, instead of just standing by as a handful of individuals get richer and richer. It’s about holding the line for work that sustain families in our communities, instead of forcing working people to relocate or sending jobs overseas.
The people on strike at Verizon will be walking the picket lines outside of work locations, including Verizon Wireless stores. Empty stores send a powerful message to Verizon and other large corporations that enough is enough.
Stand with them. Sign our pledge to let them know that you won’t cross the picket line.

April 13, 2016
URGENT: Stand With Working People at Verizon
Betsy, Dan, Isaac and more than 39,000 people who work for Verizon are on strike because they will do whatever it takes to create a better workplace for themselves and those that follow.
They’re standing together to make sure they can earn a fair return on their work, instead of allowing a handful of Verizon executives to continue to get richer and richer while they’re expected to do more with less.
They’re sticking their necks out because they want to earn a living in their own communities instead of moving away from their families for months at a time. They want family-sustaining jobs to stay in the United States and not be sent overseas.
Add your name to let Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam know that you stand with them.

March 9, 2016
Save Nabisco Jobs in Chicago!
Executives at Mondelēz, the parent company of Nabisco, are about to fire 600 people in Chicago who make Oreos and other beloved snack food products as Mondelēz moves production to a factory out of the country. This announcement came just a year after the company’s CEO, Irene Rosenfeld, received a $6 million raise.
Sign the petition urging Mondelēz CEO Irene Rosenfeld to save good jobs for hundreds of working people in Chicago.

February 29, 2016
Tell President Obama and the Department of Labor to implement the new overtime rule!
More than 13.5 million working men and women could soon be eligible for important overtime protections that until now they’ve been excluded from – but only if we jump into action today.
This summer, the U.S. Department of Labor is expected to implement a new overtime rule, which would raise the overtime salary threshold from $23,660 to $50,440—which means that millions of hard-working men and women would finally be eligible for overtime pay and the right to earn a fair living.
Unfortunately, our opponents in Congress are eager to steal this victory from workers by running out the clock on President Obama. The Congressional Review Act dictates that all “major” rules are delayed for 60 legislative days after they are submitted to Congress. That process has to end before President Obama leaves office to guarantee a veto of any Congressional resolution of disapproval.
Which is why we need to push the White House to move on the rule immediately.
Sign the petition today to ensure that the new overtime rule goes into effect.
Note: This petition is integrated with’s “We The People” petition platform, which means that if we get 100,000 signatures, the White House will send an official response. Please add your name today, and then click the confirmation email after signing.
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