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November 23, 2015
Stand With Retail Employees – During the Holidays and All Year-Round!
No one should have to work during the holidays to make up for the low wages they were paid or the too few hours they were scheduled for during the rest of the year.
Large profitable retailers have been breaking the rules in favor of their bottom line – whether by staying open on holidays and keeping working people away from their families, or intentionally denying them strong wages, sane schedules and stable hours all year-round.
This Thanksgiving, Jobs With Justice is standing with retail employees and calling for fair wages and schedules throughout the year so that no one has to depend on working holiday shifts to make ends meet.
If you believe:
- Everyone deserves to have year-round economic stability with decent pay, benefits and a say in the workplace,
- work schedules should be fair, predictable, and sustainable,
- and paid holiday leave should be the rule, not the exception.
then join us as we fight to change how retail employees are treated – not just around the holidays, but all year.

October 21, 2015
Demand Urban Outfitters Drop On-Call Schedules!
All working people need schedules they can rely on, which is why it should be good news that Urban Outfitters has promised to give its store associates at least a week’s notice of their work schedules. But there’s a catch. The new policy only applies to employees at its New York stores.
If Urban Outfitters can end on-call scheduling in New York state, why not the rest of the country too?
Tell Urban Outfitters to adopt fair schedules for retail employees everywhere!

October 6, 2015
Tell UPS: Drop ALEC!
For decades, ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, has successfully – albeit secretively – pushed a powerful Big Business agenda by promoting copycat state legislation essentially written by corporations. ALEC finally attracted major criticism for advancing anti-democratic voter ID laws, anti-union right-to-work laws and – most infamously – pro-violence “stand your ground” laws. Since 2011, ALEC-affiliated state legislators have enacted 11 laws to weaken or repeal the minimum wage!
Given the widespread outrage over ALEC’s terrible political agenda, companies like Coca-Cola, Kraft, Google, Wells Fargo – and even Walmart – ended their “pay to play” membership in the organization over the past few years.
It’s easy to see why UPS employees don’t want their company to be part of this radical organization. Will you support them?

July 20, 2015
Working Families Need Overtime Protection
Update as of 8/26/15: We’ve submitted more than 5,000 of your comments to the Department of Labor. Stay tuned!
Hard work should be rewarded with good pay!
That’s why the Obama Administration has proposed a major fix to the problem of too many Americans who are forced to work overtime in low paying jobs for no additional pay. By more than doubling the amount eligible employees can earn while still getting the security of overtime protection, nearly 5 million people stand to benefit.
Of course, it’s not a done deal. You can bet the big business lobby doesn’t want the overtime rules updated, as they don’t want our time to become more valuable. They’re trying to kill this proposal and we can’t let that happen.
We need to make sure the Department of Labor knows that there is overwhelming support for reforming overtime rules. Send a message to the Department of Labor now! You can use our pre-filled letter, or tell your own story of why overtime protections need to be expanded.

May 29, 2015
Tell the House to Vote NO on Fast Track!
Fast Track legislation has passed out of the Senate and is headed for the the House of Representatives. Any day now, your representatives may vote on this dangerous legislation that would grant Congress license to expedite secret job-killing trade policies written by the 1% for the 1% that will kill jobs.
Call your representative NOW and demand they vote NO on Fast Track!
Here’s what to do:
- Call 1-855-980-2349. You will be directed to your representative’s office.
- Use these talking points:
— Hi there, my name is [NAME] and as a [STATE] resident, I am calling to urge you to vote against Fast Track, which would pave the way for the Trans-Pacific Partnerships.
— I’ve had enough of bad trade deals that trade U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder and increase the power of multinational corporations and Wall Street over our democracy.
— I urge you to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote NO on fast-track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Thank you.
- Use the comment box below to let us know how your call with your representative’s office went! Were you able to leave a message or speak with someone directly? Did he or she indicate your representative’s position on the legislation?
Need more information on why Fast Track is bad for workers and communities? Here you go!
Once Fast Track authority is granted, Congress is allowed only limited debate on pending trade deals and is unable to offer improvements through amendments. That means it’s practically impossible for workers and consumers to have a voice on trade policies that may hurt them and their communities in the future – exactly as the corporate lobbyists negotiating these deals in private intended!
Fast Track wouldn’t allow adequate public scrutiny of significant trade deals and how they will affect American jobs, labor rights, the environment, food safety and other important issues. In other words, Fast Track would grant Congress license to expedite secretly negotiated trade policies written by the 1% for the 1%.
Trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, drafted by special interests in the backrooms of power, should be subject to vigorous democratic debate. “Fast Track” limits Congress’ ability to oppose specific provisions within trade agreements that would never pass on their own. We know from the record of failed trade deals like NAFTA that these provisions have a devastating impact on jobs, wages and communities. It’s time to learn a lesson from the millions of jobs lost because of trade deals passed under Fast Track authority.
Please call your representative now at 1-855-980-2349!

April 16, 2015
Tell Congress to Vote NO on Fast Track
Fast Track legislation has just been introduced in Congress. Any day now, your representatives may vote on this dangerous legislation that would grant Congress license to expedite secret trade policies written by the 1% for the 1% that will kill jobs.
Call your representatives NOW and demand they vote NO on Fast Track!
Here’s what to do:
- Call 1-855-980-2349. You will be directed to your representative’s office.
- Use these talking points:
— Hi there, my name is [NAME] and as a [STATE] resident, I am calling to urge you to vote against Fast Track, which would pave the way for the Trans-Pacific Partnerships.
— I’ve had enough of bad trade deals that trade U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder and increase the power of multinational corporations and Wall Street over our democracy.
— I urge you to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote NO on fast-track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Thank you.
- Use the comment box below to let us know how your call with your representative’s office went! Were you able to leave a message or speak with someone directly? Did he or she indicate your representative’s position on the legislation?
Need more information on why Fast Track is bad for workers and communities? Here you go!
Once Fast Track authority is granted, Congress is allowed only limited debate on pending trade deals and is unable to offer improvements through amendments. That means it’s practically impossible for workers and consumers to have a voice on trade policies that may hurt them and their communities in the future – exactly as the corporate lobbyists negotiating these deals in private intended!
Fast Track wouldn’t allow adequate public scrutiny of significant trade deals and how they will affect American jobs, labor rights, the environment, food safety and other important issues. In other words, Fast Track would grant Congress license to expedite secretly negotiated trade policies written by the 1% for the 1%.
Trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, drafted by special interests in the backrooms of power, should be subject to vigorous democratic debate. “Fast Track” limits Congress’ ability to oppose specific provisions within trade agreements that would never pass on their own. We know from the record of failed trade deals like NAFTA that these provisions have a devastating impact on jobs, wages and communities. It’s time to learn a lesson from the millions of jobs lost because of trade deals passed under Fast Track authority.
Please call your representative now at 1-855-980-2349!

March 4, 2015
Tell Your Representative to Oppose Fast Track!
Please make a quick phone call today to tell your representative why you oppose Fast Track!
Here’s what to do:
- Call 1-855-980-2349. You will be directed to your representative’s office.
- Use these talking points:
— Hi there, as a [STATE] resident, I am calling to urge you to vote against Fast Track, which would pave the way for the Trans-Pacific Partnerships.
— I’ve had enough of bad trade deals that trade U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder and increase the power of multinational corporations and Wall Street over our democracy.
— I urge you to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote NO on fast-track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Thank you.
- Use the comment box below to let us know how your call with your representative’s office went! Were you able to leave a message or speak with someone directly? Did he or she indicate your representative’s position on the legislation?
Need more information on why Fast Track is bad for workers and communities? Here you go!
Once Fast Track authority is granted, Congress is allowed only limited debate on pending trade deals and is unable to offer improvements through amendments. That means it’s practically impossible for workers and consumers to have a voice on trade policies that may hurt them and their communities in the future – exactly as the corporate lobbyists negotiating these deals in private intended!
Fast Track wouldn’t allow adequate public scrutiny of significant trade deals and how they will affect American jobs, labor rights, the environment, food safety and other important issues. In other words, Fast Track would grant Congress license to expedite secretly negotiated trade policies written by the 1% for the 1%.
Trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, drafted by special interests in the backrooms of power, should be subject to vigorous democratic debate. “Fast Track” limits Congress’ ability to oppose specific provisions within trade agreements that would never pass on their own. We know from the record of failed trade deals like NAFTA that these provisions have a devastating impact on jobs, wages and communities. It’s time to learn a lesson from the millions of jobs lost because of trade deals passed under Fast Track authority.
Please call your representative now at 1-855-980-2349!

January 26, 2015
Tell McDonald’s to End Racial Discrimination Now!
They were told they didn’t “fit the profile” – and then they were fired. Ten McDonald’s workers were fired for no reason amid racial and sexual harassment – one McDonald’s manager said simply, “There are too many black people in the store.”
It’s not right – McDonald’s needs to end discrimination and harassment and pay these workers back pay and damages now.

January 21, 2015
Say NO to Fast Track
Last night, in his State of the Union address, President Obama signaled his support for trade promotion authority, commonly called “Fast Track,” for trade deals. While it may have sounded appealing and reasonable in his speech, Fast Track turns out to be quite problematic in practice. Once Fast Track authority is granted, Congress is allowed only limited debate on pending trade deals and is unable to offer improvements through amendments. That means it’s practically impossible for workers and consumers to have a voice on trade policies that may hurt them and their communities in the future – exactly as the corporate lobbyists negotiating these deals in private intended!
Fast Track wouldn’t allow adequate public scrutiny of significant trade deals and how they will affect American jobs, labor rights, the environment, food safety and other important issues prior to authorization. In other words, Fast Track would grant Congress license to expedite secretly negotiated trade policies written by the 1% for the 1%.
Corporate lobbyists are convinced they can trick this new Congress into welcoming Fast Track. Those of us who care about democracy and transparency need to ensure dangerous Fast Track legislation doesn’t move forward.
Will you take two minutes to call your representative to vote NO on Fast Track? Call now at 1-888-804-8311. Here’s a call script to help you out:
Hi, as a concerned [STATE] constituent, I’m calling to urge you to vote against Fast Track. Please don’t give up your responsibility to represent me when it comes to trade policy. Thank you.
Trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, drafted by special interests in the backrooms of power, should be subject to vigorous democratic debate. “Fast Track” limits Congress’ ability to oppose specific provisions within trade agreements that would never pass on their own. We know from the record of failed trade deals like NAFTA that these provisions have a devastating impact on jobs, wages and communities. It’s time to learn a lesson from the millions of jobs lost because of trade deals passed under Fast Track authority.
Americans deserve a fair process that gives Congress the opportunity to influence trade deals and to send bad trade deals back to the negotiating table for improvement. If you agree, join with Jobs With Justice and groups across the country who are calling on Congress to say NO to Fast Track. Call your representative by dialing 1-888-804-8311 TODAY.

September 23, 2014
Call Walmart Now and Tell the Company Women Shouldn’t Be Fired Just for Being Pregnant
It’s been more than six months since Walmart, which was under pressure from associates and women’s organizations, agreed to change its pregnancy policy to provide basic accommodations for employees experiencing complications with their pregnancies. But a Walmart store in Chicago reveals the company has fallen far short of truly implementing its policy to support pregnant workers.
In April, store associate Thelma Moore was injured by falling TV boxes while shopping at the Chatham Walmart on her day off. Then two months pregnant, her doctors recommended she stay home for two weeks, then made a list of accommodations she needed in order to return to work, including not lifting boxes over 25 pounds and being able to take water breaks every two hours. Thelma filled out the necessary paperwork but was told no positions were available that could accommodate her. Walmart then fired her for missing too many days.
Unfortunately, Thelma’s case is not an isolated one. In February, her co-worker Bene’t Holmes suffered a miscarriage on Walmart property when she was four months pregnant after being denied her request to stop stocking chemicals and lifting heavy boxes.
Workers’ at Thelma’s store and the community in Chicago have been organizing to support women like Thelma and Bene’t – so far they have collected petition signatures, sent a delegation to the manager and held a prayer vigil.
Now, we need your help to turn up the heat. Call 1-800-WALMART (925-6278) today to demand the Chatham store in Chicago reinstate Thelma and comply with Walmart’s pregnancy accommodation policy.
Here’s why your call matters. If the Walmart customer service line receives 200 complaints about the Chatham store, it will trigger an investigation by the home office.

Here’s a helpful script for your call:
Hello, I’m calling to register a serious complaint about your Chatham store in Chicago (store #5781). I have learned that Thelma Moore, an associate at the store, was injured by falling boxes while shopping in her store on her day off. Her doctors recommended several accommodations to her job to protect the health of her pregnancy, but instead of accommodating her needs, the company fired her. Expecting mothers should not lose their jobs for making reasonable requests recommended by their doctor. I demand you reinstate Thelma Moore and follow the company’s new pregnancy policy.
As you make your call, members of Respect the Bump and Chicago Jobs With Justice will be demonstrating at Thelma’s store. Follow along with the protest with the hashtag #WalmartMoms. You can also let us know how your call went by commenting below!
While Thelma fights to get her job back, she and other members of Respect the Bump, an organization of pregnant women and new moms at Walmart, continue to hear from women who are being denied accommodations. It’s clear that Walmart needs to take action to ensure that their policy is fully implemented and enforced at every store, and go further to extend basic accommodations to all pregnant women who have a medical need for them, whether they have complications or a normal pregnancy.
As the largest private employer of women in the country, Walmart should set the standard for how women workers are treated throughout the industry and our economy. The stories of women like Thelma and Bene’t highlight the need for Congress to take action – including passing the Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act – as well as the significance of the upcoming oral arguments in the pregnancy discrimination Supreme Court case Young v. United Parcel Service, which is scheduled to start December 3.
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