Welcome to the Jobs With Justice Unified Action Team, a place where activists like you can find up-to-date information related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, its impact on working people, and most importantly how you can take action in our current moment. If you haven’t already, please sign up for our Unified Action Team and utilize this web page for news, resources, and how Jobs With Justice is leaning into the fight to protect working people.

- Lack of oversight and transparency leave Amazon employees in the dark on Covid-19 (NBC News, 9/30/20)
- Building an inclusive recovery should be a national priority over the next two years (The Hill, 9/30/20)
- A California Chicken Plant Just Had the Deadliest Meatpacking Outbreak Yet (Mother Jones, 9/30/20)
- ‘I don’t have a Plan B’: 40,000 airline workers brace for mass layoffs (Associated Press, 9/30/20)

- SIGN THIS>>Tell corporate landlords to cancel rent and stop evictions!
- SIGN THIS>>Tell Amazon: Give ALL Workers 100% Paid Leave NOW and Tell Us Your Plans
- SIGN THIS>>Tell Congress to pass a bill that provides paid sick leave to ALL working people!
- SIGN THIS>>Tell Governors: Investigate and Close Amazon Warehouses That Put Us at Risk
- SIGN THIS>>Tell state and federal legislators to STOP funding private prisons!

- DIGITAL TRAINING on 10/8/2020: Don’t Sleep on Facebook Groups: How to Turn Uncertainty into Action
- Resources for Undocumented Immigrants and their Families During COVID-19
- We Strike Together! Learn more about rent strike actions around the country.
- Collective Bargaining 101: What are your rights before, during, and after the crisis?

- READ THIS >> How Can Stocks Boom While 1 in 5 Kids Aren’t Getting Enough to Eat?
- READ THIS >> If Small Businesses Aren’t Essential, Neither Is Collecting Rent
- READ THIS>>COVID-19: We need a Peoples’ Bailout, Not a Corporate Bailout
- LEARN MORE>>The Jobs With Justice Worker Solidarity Fund
- PRESS RELEASE>> Fight over the stimulus is not over!