February 1, 2013

Erica Smiley

Walmart’s Bogus Legal Complaint Set Aside by NLRB

Last November, in the weeks leading up to historic actions by Walmart workers who were standing up for basic dignity and respect, the company issued an Unfair Labor Practice complaint in hopes of squashing the protests. This week, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) held Walmart’s charge in abeyance, choosing not to decide on it under the conditions that the Organization United for Respect at Walmart would not “picket” for 60 days.

At Jobs with Justice, picketing is only one of the tactics we use when supporting workers who ask for our help.  We will continue to support OUR Walmart associates when they protest, demonstrate, or go on strike – none of which is limited by the NLRB memo.

To see OUR Walmart’s official statement, visit http://makingchangeatwalmart.org/2013/01/31/our-walmart-statement-on-labor-board-memo/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=our-walmart-statement-on-labor-board-memo

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